In a relationship, one question is important and determines whether the couple will be together, or will break up. I want to make the moment of the proposal unforgettable so that the girl cannot refuse. And then the story of the marriage proposal will be retold to friends, relatives, children and grandchildren. So it's worth thinking through the script and making the marriage proposal unforgettable.

Step 1
Build on your girlfriend's desires and preferences. You have been together for a long time, you know each other, and you have an idea of her favorite places, views on certain situations. Remember how she reacted to the scenes of the proposal in the films that she liked, you can take an idea from her favorite movie or TV series.
Step 2
Pick up the ring. Choose it without the participation of your betrothed, so as not to spoil the surprise. If you find it difficult to independently choose a beautiful ring that she will like, it is better not to guess, but to ask for help from the sister or girlfriend of your future bride. They will be able to suggest the desired size, her preferences and it will be easier for you to make a choice.
Step 3
Choose the right time. Sometimes it would be appropriate to make the offer on a holiday If you have an anniversary of your relationship ahead, take the opportunity and make the best gift on this day - an offer. You can take advantage of other holidays: new year, her birthday, Valentine's day. In addition, take into account her mood and daily routine, because after a hard day or in an irritated state, she will not be able to fully appreciate your efforts.
Step 4
If she loves traditional ways of proposing, go for the standard option, adding a few of your own touches. Restaurant, flowers, delicious dinner, music, you talk about how happy it is to be with her and that you want to live your whole life together, and then get down on one knee and say the cherished phrase "Will you marry me?"
Step 5
If a girl does not like traditional options, but prefers original actions, you can show imagination and come up with an original way of offering. For example, search for a ring on notes with riddles or make an album of memories of your relationship, and at the end a photo with a ring. While skydiving, diving or writing with candles while serenading under the window. Start not from your preferences and desires, but from what your chosen one likes, because all this is done for her.
Step 6
Hire a photographer. If the setting permits, book a photographer for one hour to capture the momentous event in your relationship. With excitement, you and your bride will not remember the details, and looking at the photos, you will be able to remember everything in the smallest detail. Especially if you make an original proposal.