It is noticed that a child from 0 to 3 years old, like no other age, learns and assimilates a large amount of information. Therefore, psychologists and educators consider this time favorable for stimulating intellectual, physical and mental development.

Working with your baby from birth to three years old, listen to the advice of psychologists, who recommend during this period to pay more attention not to learning, but to the development of the child: singing songs, reading nursery rhymes, playing toys that develop fine motor skills, sensory sensations, etc. From birth to one year, stimulate the sense of touch, develop visual and auditory functions, and speech. Show your baby bright contrasting toys, "make" faces for him, encourage tracing eye movements behind the subject, etc. All this has a positive effect on his vision. The first and foremost hearing stimulant is your voice. Therefore, talk to your child, sing to him, read poetry. Learn to listen to different sounds: rattles, phone ringing, clock ticking and others. Touch the child with fabrics of different textures, allow to take food with your hands, and on a walk - touch the sand, stones, cones, leaves. All these actions improve the tactile sensitivity of your loved one. The development of speech is facilitated by dialogues, "parallel conversations" - follow the gaze of the crumbs and tell him about the object he is looking at. Name objects and actions, encourage your toddler to take the initiative in communication. From one to two years, the child seeks to explore the world, test his abilities and become more independent. The first place comes to the development of various skills through the game. Therefore, pick up toys that you can hit, push, pull, push. To make it easier for the child to master the sizes of objects, use the main colors with toys-nests, pyramids, insert games. Teach your toddler to memorize environmental sounds. Listen to different music, instill a sense of rhythm. Introduce your baby to the concepts "smooth - rough", "soft - hard", "hot - cold", "light - heavy". Play gross and fine motor games. Read picture books to further shape your speech. Teach your baby to show the images you name. Encourage him to tell you what he wants or does. In the third year of life, to stimulate tactile sensitivity, play games with the baby: "Magic bag", "Recognize by smell", "Know by taste" and others. Continue to develop your child's listening skills by introducing them to a variety of sounds from the world around them. Encourage them to mimic various sounds: a car horn, a doorbell, a dog barking, etc. With the help of outdoor games, improve your existing physical skills and learn new movements: squatting, jumping and more. Don't forget about fine motor skills. Let the child unfasten buttons and buttons, build towers from bottle caps, play with lacing, sculpt, draw, etc. Teach your child the lessons of correct social and emotional behavior: teach not to be greedy, say "thank you" and "please", respond to a ban, play with other children. Help the little one learn self-service skills: dress independently, use the toilet, etc. Talk and read more with your child. Explain everything he asks about. Help him find the exact words to express his thoughts. All of this stimulates the formation of speech. Remember that in the baby is originally a thirst for knowledge. And your main task will be to create favorable conditions for the desire of the crumbs to develop.