The eternal conflict between parents and children is present in every family. How to communicate with parents correctly?

Step 1
Listen to your parents' point of view. Of course, the last word is always yours, but the ability to listen and perceive the opinion of parents will encourage them to listen to you with the same respect. Do not pour negative emotions on your parents, try to calmly take the information.
Step 2
The life experience of parents, they did not get just like that, no matter how much they wanted to rebel and deny the advice of their elders, stop and think. Parents always want only the best for their children, in every way they try to protect them from mistakes and pain, which is why they often get bored with advice. Instead of filling your own bumps, learn from other people's mistakes, you still have time to say thank you to your parents. It is better to ask them to tell sometimes about interesting cases from the past, listen and listen.
Step 3
When a misunderstanding arises, it is important to explain to the parents that it is difficult for you to convey some information to them, since you are children of a different time and it is normal that parents sometimes do not understand children. After all, they were born and raised in a completely different time, traditions and general outlook cannot coincide with yours.
Step 4
Don't lie to your parents. These are the closest people in the world to whom you can turn for help, support, or advice at any time. Lies give rise to lies, omissions accumulate, family members gradually move away from each other. Do not lose the trust of your parents, it is better to tell them any truth, because these are the people who will not stop loving and supporting their child so that he does not do something wrong, parents will try in every possible way to find a way out of any situation, try to help.
Step 5
Tell your parents that you love them more often. For them, these are the most important words in the world, because they give all of themselves, if only their child is happy, they deserve warm welcome words for all their labors.
Step 6
The fast rhythm of everyday life, daily household chores suck people head over heels. Often people simply forget about the existence of their parents, absorbed in their own affairs. Chat with your parents. Set aside a special time to call, visit your loved ones, invite them to visit, parents, according to their capabilities, will help you with household chores with joy, just let them into your life, because it is so fleeting, enjoy every day you spend with your parents.