To become a successful person in all areas, you need to build your relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and trust. Most often, they trust someone who knows how to keep these promises on time. But admit, are you so scrupulous about fulfilling your vows to yourself? Most probably not. The moment you realize that you have forgotten about some long-planned business again, your self-esteem and self-esteem suffers.

Step 1
Always make promises that you can actually keep. If the task is difficult, then solve it in stages, like in school, in several steps. It is better to take responsibility for solving one problem than to take on many problems that will turn into an avalanche hanging over you. In the end, you will not have the time and energy to get a high-quality result in a given time frame.
Step 2
You cannot promise what you, for some reason, are not able to do. It is better to take on a small business that you can complete in a given period of time. This will build and develop self-confidence. For example, you make a promise to yourself to go to the gym on Monday and lose fifteen pounds of excess weight in three sessions. It is unrealistic to fulfill such a promise in such a short time, especially without additional adjustments to diet and daily routine. If you just give yourself a word that you will start exercising and stick to a diet for a long time, then your task will become achievable. Your weight will return to normal.
Step 3
If you decide to make something out of things that have been planned for a long time, but postponed until better times, then assign yourself a fine for each delayed day. For example, don't watch your favorite show every night.