Is It Worth Making Love In The Morning

Is It Worth Making Love In The Morning
Is It Worth Making Love In The Morning

Many couples have sex at specific times of the day, more often at night. But sexologists advise to plunge into the arms of the second half in the morning. Below are the reasons that will reveal to you all the advantages and disadvantages of marital sex in the morning.

Is it worth making love in the morning
Is it worth making love in the morning

The pros of morning sex

1. This awakening carries more energy than a cup of coffee for breakfast.

2. Sex is a series of physical exercises, in the morning they are very useful. You will warm up all the muscles before going outside, strengthen the immune system. And sex in the morning in the kitchen will allow you to monitor the preparation of breakfast and at the same time get an unforgettable pleasure from kisses and caresses.

3. In the morning (7-9 o'clock) in a man's body, the testosterone hormone is at the maximum level, so that morning sex will definitely succeed.

4. Making love in the morning trains the respiratory system, blood circulation of lovers is significantly improved. As a result of passionate sex, they receive the release of happiness hormones and endorphins into the blood. Blood pressure is normalized.

5. Morning sex - prevention of migraines, headaches, cardiovascular diseases.

6. Scottish scientists have confirmed that couples who have active sex in the morning are more focused and balanced individuals.

7. Morning sex has sweet fantasies. After all, the partners have not fully woken up, they are ready to surrender to each other's desires. After such sex, both are in high spirits, and this affects the relationship with others. And thanks to this, the fire of passion does not go out in the family.

Cons of morning sex

1. Lack of time. If spouses need to go to work, they will glance at their watches - this will worsen the sexual intercourse.

2. Appearance in the morning. Few people like their sleepy face, bad breath. So before intercourse, it is advisable to put yourself in order in a matter of minutes.

3. Search for condoms. Always keep them close to the bed so as not to start looking for them at the most crucial moment, thereby ruining morning sex.

4. Biorhythms of partners. He is a lark, she is an owl. In this case, seek a compromise.

Sex has its advantages and disadvantages at any time of the day. So decide for yourself - whether to give up morning sex because of several disadvantages.
