A dad should be a support, support, but in the modern world, men do not pay enough attention to issues of upbringing. The greater the gap between father and daughter, the more difficult it will be for a girl to build harmonious relationships with men in the future.

There are a lot of myths about male upbringing. If a girl grows up in a family, dad is the first man she comes across. It depends on him what kind of husband the girl will choose for herself in the future, how she treats herself. If dad admires his daughter's mental abilities and beauty, then she will consider herself a clever and beautiful woman. When the father does not take part in family education, it is difficult to guess what kind of assessment will be formed under the influence of the opinions of other representatives of the stronger sex.
Impact of male parenting
The formation of most attitudes begins from the moment of birth. This happens due to communication with parents. Being raised by a dad differs from that of a mother in style and purpose. The main task of the dad is to form emotional independence, self-discipline, correct ideas about family roles. This does not mean that dads should talk about the sex differences between boys and girls every day, talk about social rules. It's better to just build good and positive relationships, have common interests and hobbies.
The Pope's special influence occurs in relation to the following aspects:
- relationships with the opposite sex;
- self-esteem;
- development of femininity;
- choice of a spouse.
Correctly formed relationships allow a girl to feel protected in adolescence, and makes it easier to go through it. A girl who has felt paternal love since childhood can more easily assess many difficult life situations, quite simply find a common language with the stronger sex.
Do not forget that male upbringing also affects imitation. Children gain a lot of knowledge through observation. They monitor how parents communicate with each other, use the same model when building family relationships in the future. Therefore, dad must behave with dignity. In this case, girls will be able to choose a husband for themselves in the future, who will become her support, reliable protection.

Male education is a counterbalance to female
Psychologists have proved that the self-esteem of a young beauty is largely determined by the opinion of her father. Maternal love often puts the girl on a pedestal, the assessment of a man is considered more objective. Rare paternal praises are perceived by children more adequately, therefore, they remain in memory for a long time.
The main mistakes of dads:
- Fathers who do not reprimand girls, only praise, bring up self-confident women with inadequately high self-esteem.
- Daughters who have never received a positive response from their dad have low self-esteem. It is more difficult for them to realize themselves, to achieve their goals.
Dads who celebrate the successes of children, rejoice at their victories, but do not forget about constructive criticism, raise an integral and harmonious personality.
Male upbringing of a daughter in the modern world
Mom in the family is the source of life. Her task is to patronize, care and support. Dad embodies society within the family, sets certain rules. He has every opportunity to establish boundaries, implement punishments.
Today, there is a situation where most of the functions are blurred or fuzzy. If they are all performed by only one parent, it will be more difficult for the daughter to adapt to the situation, since unconditional acceptance and restrictions are opposite in their manifestations. If the dad does not take on these functions, the daughter can go two wrong paths: to violate the boundaries, to live with a constant feeling of heightened anxiety, not having an exact idea of the limits of what is permitted.
For example, if dad does not fulfill his tasks, and mom is engaged in establishing the law, the girl does not receive additional love, and she perceives any punishment as unfair and baseless.
Fathers who praise their daughters in an effort to help mothers in the kitchen or cleaning have a positive effect on the femininity of girls. Men should appreciate the work and their women, so that the child will notice this. Thanks to this approach, a girl from an early age will feel the importance of a woman in the family.

Two stages in the life of daughters
In the minds of most men, a girl's whole life is divided into two stages - before puberty and after. It doesn't matter how many stages psychologists break down child development. The first stage is considered the simplest in the male mind, it lasts up to 10 years. So that in the later life of an already grown-up child there are no problems, you need to take several steps:
- To be present in the life of a daughter from the very beginning. You can just be with her.
- Find common interests. Remember that at a very young age, the girl will be happy to do the same thing as her dad.
- Become her support. The girl should feel that she can always rely on her father.
- Every evening she has to go to bed, knowing for sure that dad is not on her side.
The second stage begins during adolescence. This is a period of conscious attitude towards oneself. Dad can take part in the choice of a section or circle, support achievements in this area. It is important not to ignore important events in a child's life. The main mistake at this stage of upbringing is the increased formation of femininity.
This is important, but the adolescent's testing of all his qualities, including leadership, comes to the fore. If you shift the child's attention only to the mainstream of the future family life, you can "block" the path to self-realization. When a girl begins to be critical of her appearance, it is especially important for dad to try to maintain a spiritual connection with her. After about 13 years of age, you can begin to include the development of femininity. It's great if dad takes his daughter to the cinema, shows his example of a gallant attitude.