How To Meet A Rich Woman

How To Meet A Rich Woman
How To Meet A Rich Woman

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Recently, women have become very independent, some of them have a fairly large amount of money and have built good careers. However, such representatives of the fair sex have exaggerated requirements for men.


Step 1

When meeting a rich representative of the fairer sex, you do not need to pretend that you are not. And you shouldn't exaggerate your income, but at the same time, you don't need to disclose all your ins and outs and details of your personal life. In general, fewer empty stories and words, and more actions. The woman should see that you can pay the restaurant bill and come on a date with at least an inexpensive bouquet of flowers. Give the lady original gifts. Let them be cheap, but unique. Remember that originality is your trump card, because expensive things for a rich woman are not at all a curiosity.

Step 2

Treat a rich woman in the same way as any other. She did not stop being a girl because of her wealth, so cute surprises, ordinary dates will please her too. The main thing is for her to feel that you are dear to you as a woman, and not a bag of money. Therefore, you need to let her know that you would look after her in the same way, even if she was unemployed.

Step 3

Make her feel like a part of your life. Take her to special places for you, and it does not matter at all that they are not at all her level. So you will let her know that you are ready to let her into your life.

Step 4

Oddly enough, but the easiest way to meet a rich woman on the Internet is on dating sites. It is much easier and calmer to communicate in the virtual world than at a social event; such girls are not often alone at such events. It is easy to recognize a wealthy woman among others by having a VIP account.

Step 5

Talk less about money and her career growth, success. If all your conversations revolve around material and financial topics, it is quite predictable that the girl will think that you need money from her and nothing more.

Step 6

Decide for yourself why you want to meet a rich woman. If you initially pursue the goal of living off it, it is better to leave this venture. Such ladies see gigolos a kilometer away, so they definitely don't need such an acquaintance. Remember that when meeting a rich young lady, you should be a real man. Such a girl can afford everything - a house, a car, travel, status things. But what she may not have is a real reliable relationship. A wealthy girl does not really need expensive gifts (cars, diamonds), she needs a loved one to be near and sincerely love her.
