Communication with a loved one is never absolutely smooth and even. Sooner or later, the idyll in the relationship ends, and then the couple faces the problem of choice: how to live on. Perhaps there is still an opportunity to revive feelings, but what if the relationship is at an impasse?

- - time;
- - self-control.
Step 1
The main rule in this case is not to panic or make harsh decisions. Weigh the pros and cons and only then start a serious conversation (if you really want to).
Step 2
First, try to take for granted the fact that in any case and, as they say, in any case, life goes on. It doesn't matter what you decide: disperse or continue your relationship. Assure yourself that a new day is a new life, so do not cry for the lost, but, on the contrary, open yourself to the world around you. It is possible that the happiest time lies ahead.
Step 3
As a rule, relations do not come to a standstill from a floundering bay. Try to get to the bottom of the problem and, perhaps, it will be possible to solve it with a little blood. If it seems to you that feelings have faded away (psychologists note such a critical period in couples who have lived with each other for 1, 5, 3 and 7 years, and this is absolutely normal), try to live separately from each other for a while (of course, by mutual agreement). At first you will like freedom, but after two weeks - a month you will already be missing something (more precisely, someone) …
Step 4
Have you decided to leave after all? Try to maintain friendly relations, because some time ago this person was close to you. Who, besides him, will be able to understand you best, give good advice, help out, or just listen? Therefore, you should not part with enemies. The earth is round, and it may be that you will be useful to each other more than once.
Step 5
Perhaps your relationship is deadlocked by a routine. Try to diversify your life by arranging a joint trip, doing a common business, etc. Finding yourself with each other in a non-standard situation for both, you will experience new sensations, look at each other with different eyes and, perhaps, understand how important the person who will be next to you is for you.