Do I Need To Endure A Womanizer

Do I Need To Endure A Womanizer
Do I Need To Endure A Womanizer

There are many incomprehensible things in this world. Why do people yawn? Is there life on Mars? Do vampires exist? How to make a million? Or why tolerate a womanizer?

Do I need to endure a womanizer
Do I need to endure a womanizer

After all, in truth, who is a womanizer? Passion for women is the essence of such a person, as for others, love for ice cream or waving hands.

Who are the womanizer?

It turns out that womanizers are men who love women. These are not terrible tyrants who beat up their loved ones or prevent them from taking a step aside. These are misogynists who hate the very feminine principle. Moreover, these are not gays, for whom women are absolutely not sexually interesting.

In addition, womanizers use reciprocity on the opposite side. So in each of them there is something attractive, forcing women to breathe for such men is not indifferent.

It looks strange that, on the one hand, women love and want to be with womanizers, and on the other, the word “womanizer” often sounds in a negative and unpleasant context.

It would be nice to figure out who is profitable to represent the favorites of women in a negative light. But the answer lies on the surface. First of all, womanizers can be objectionable to envious men, and secondly - to jealous wives. And the main accusations that womanizers hear against them are: broken hearts, propaganda of immorality, the destruction of families and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

But is it really that terrible? After all, mankind long ago invented contraception, and people who claim immorality can hardly always be responsible for their actions themselves.

How to survive with a womanizer?

Many people believe that the craving for love affairs is such a habit, akin to being addicted to alcohol or chewing a pencil. The man wanted - and got rid of her. But is it really so?

A part of a womanizer in a man is a part of himself. This is his inner self. Of course, you can force a person to change his inner world, but it will be a completely different person. To make a womanizer stop being a womanizer is to clip his wings.

For women who have linked their lives with womanizers, there are five different behavioral strategies.

The first is to change a person. However, it is in vain to indulge oneself with illusions, believing that it is possible to change an adult. In this case, the man will have to sacrifice himself to jealousy. He will be unhappy and will lose the core in life that made him flutter. It cannot bring happiness to a woman. And most likely it will end in a rupture.

The second strategy will be the strategy "if I don't know anything, then nothing happens." This approach can be a compromise for both, but most likely not for long. At first, it can develop into constant distrust, which later can result in total control.

The third strategy is the simplest one - break up. It does not need any clarification.

The most difficult strategy is tacit patience. Do not assume that suffering will subside over time. The pain will gradually eat away at the woman from the inside, which can lead to eternal inner torment.

The latter strategy involves looking at the current situation from a different angle. Why should a woman feel bad if her man is feeling good? It may seem that by doing so a man wastes time and attention, but is this so? The womanizer always returns, which means that he considers his woman the best, and she is not afraid of any rivals. Besides, if women throw themselves at a man, it confirms his splendor. Do not forget that womanizers are mostly good lovers and do not harass their other halves with unjustified jealousy.

Whether it is necessary to endure a womanizer, every woman chooses herself. One may feel empress with him, while the other may feel unhappy and offended.
