How To Hint About A Proposal

How To Hint About A Proposal
How To Hint About A Proposal

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For almost every man, the persistent desire to become his wife can be pretty scary. If you are convinced of the strength of your feelings and are determined to get married, but are afraid of losing your loved one because of your persistence, it would be better to hint to him that it is time to propose.

How to hint about a proposal
How to hint about a proposal


Step 1

Find out what reasons keep your loved one silent about a possible wedding. Because if the relationship lasts for several years, and the offer from him never came, then something is wrong. Often men "train" on some, and marry completely on others. This is often the case with the sons of wealthy parents. The guy has a close relationship with one girl, and he has to marry "a girl from a good family." If you and your loved one belong to different social circles, you will have to fight for your relationship. And your loved one is unlikely to understand the hints, because they put him in a difficult situation of the need to make decisions. In this situation, a simple, frank conversation is better.

Step 2

In addition to the family factor, there may be other reasons - the influence of friends, for example. You need to understand what is preventing your loved one from making a decision. Say that you have a friend who will not wait for the offer and ask your loved one why this can be so. People tend to try on everything for themselves - and he will most likely explain to you the reasons for his own indecision.

Step 3

Prepare him yourself for a wedding conversation. To do this, often discuss with him the relationship between a man and a woman in family life. That is, not about meetings, but about everyday life in a responsible marriage, registered. Discuss which relationship between husband and wife is right and which is not. It is better to discuss examples of acquaintances, even if these acquaintances are fictitious. And talk about how this or that young man got married in spite of circumstances similar to his circumstances. Of course, you cannot jump into such discussions suddenly and all your conversations should be reduced to just such conversations. But try to devote some time to this preparation every day.

Step 4

It may seem trite, but many potential grooms understand the hints in the form of catalogs of wedding fashion, seemingly accidentally left on the table, blog posts about the wedding and anecdotes about this event on the wall on social networks. Make sure that he constantly comes across hints of a possible wedding ceremony. Maybe your loved one is missing one decisive step. And if a man has serious plans for you, he will soon move from plans to action.
