You have liked one girl for a long time, but your attempts to attract attention to yourself lead to nothing. In order to charm a girl, you need to know a little female psychology, and then it will not be difficult to win a woman's heart.

Step 1
First, keep in mind that all women are curious. Therefore, try to behave in a way that arouses her curiosity. This can be extraordinary behavior (but in no way vulgar), original clothes, some of your statements in a circle of mutual acquaintances. Maybe you're a good guitar player or a great break dancer - find a way to show her that. Or maybe you are great at barbecuing or drawing graffiti - do not hide these abilities either. If interest in you flashed in her eyes, then the first step towards winning her heart has been taken.
Step 2
Do not be stingy, be generous in measure. Of course, you should not immediately present with expensive jewelry or invite to new-fashioned resorts - this way you do not win the girl, but simply buy her. Give flowers or small but pleasant souvenirs at a meeting, invite them to youth cafes. This will bring you closer and make her feel confident and sympathetic to you.
Step 3
If you are serious about your girlfriend, be extremely sincere with her. If she has not yet lost her head from love for you, then she perfectly distinguishes your slightest false notes. And with your petty deceptions, you can destroy those relationships that are just beginning to emerge.
Step 4
Try not to make mistakes and rash steps. If you have promised something to a girl, then be sure to keep your word. Discretion can be very detrimental to your image.
Step 5
Be sure to watch your appearance. Especially try to look good on your first date. Of course, this does not mean that, having agreed to meet in the park, you will put on the most formal costume and show up for the meeting. It will look ridiculous. Try to dress appropriately for your surroundings. Keep your shoes clean, change T-shirts and shirts more often, and shower regularly. Pay special attention to your hairstyle. Hair should always be groomed, washed, trimmed neatly. And not any hint of dandruff.
Step 6
Be self-motivated and confident. Girls don't like men who look weak and weak-willed. When an important decision has to be made, act firmly and confidently. Show your strength. Women love to feel a man's shoulder next to them to lean on.
Step 7
By showing these truly masculine qualities, you can easily charm a girl.