What Girls Want

What Girls Want
What Girls Want

Modern girls have long ceased to dream of a "prince on a white horse". They want to take the initiative into their own hands - to become self-sufficient, to achieve career growth, so as not to be inferior to men in anything.

What do girls want?
What do girls want?

The need for self-realization

Society, which perceives the world through the prism of stereotypes, is used to considering girls as gentle and defenseless creatures in need of care, affection and endless love. However, modern ladies have long been self-sufficient and have learned not to be inferior to men in anything. Representatives of the fairer sex receive higher education, get a high-paying job, rapidly climb the career ladder - they want to self-actualize, to prove their superiority to men. Nowadays, you can't surprise anyone with the concept of a woman leader or a woman careerist. Ladies who are tired of waiting for "feats" from the male sex and decided to take the initiative into their own hands often yearn to become self-sufficient both financially and spiritually.

The need for love and affection

Even the strongest and most independent girls sometimes want to lean on a strong man's shoulder, remove the mask from their face and feel defenseless. The need for male attention is characteristic of all ladies, without exception. However, some skillfully hide it, thus trying to protect themselves from the outside world. It happens that behind the screen of "iron" ladies, gentle and vulnerable personalities are hiding, in need of male attention. Deep in her soul, every girl dreams of a decisive and caring person who would become a faithful companion in life. In the endless pursuit of money, career women forget that female strength is in weakness. An unfulfilled need for love and affection over time can develop into complexes, which are sometimes very difficult to get rid of.

The need for family and children

Over time, girls begin to think about marriage and children. They want to get married in order to give their chosen one their tenderness and love. Each woman is individual, so some have this desire earlier, some later. However, not a single business woman will agree to live her whole life in splendid isolation, because there is nothing worse than returning from work to an empty uncomfortable house. Every girl wants a little man to call her mother, and a loving husband - a gentle and affectionate wife. It happens that the fairer sex is too scrupulous about the choice of a soul mate, expecting a "prince on a white horse." They want to find the ideal, forgetting that it does not exist. Such ladies need a special approach, because the key from their heart is shrouded in many secrets.
