Over time, many married couples have the same problem - the relationship is no longer as exciting as it was at the very beginning. No more romantic walks under the starry sky and goodbyes near the house when you could not tear yourself away from each other. The time of mad love has passed, but respect and deep affection remain. How to wake up and revive your feelings, frozen from time to time?

Step 1
Take your significant other out on a romantic date. Ideal if it will be a walk in the park or in the city at night. You should not visit such commonplace places as a cinema or a cafe. If a man has long forgotten that he should come with flowers on a date, do not hesitate to hint him about it.
Step 2
Leave the house separately - this is the secret of the event. Let the man come out earlier. And you, after a little delay, apply makeup, do styling and put on a graceful dress with a slight sexual hint. You can be late for a date, about 15 minutes - waiting is always so exciting! When he sees you in a beautiful dress and a wonderful mood, and you catch his admiring glance, everything will fall into place, and you will again feel that you are madly in love with each other.
Step 3
Take a walk in the park holding hands, remember what your first declaration of love was like. But do not talk about everyday topics, for example, what color wallpaper is suitable for your bedroom. And don't forget to turn off your phones - no one should intrude on your idyll. Leave all your problems for a while and dream a little. Where would you like to travel together? How would you go about it? After a while, you will again feel that your feelings have not gone anywhere. They just slept a little, crushed by everyday problems, everyday life and routine. It was important to wake them up correctly.
Step 4
Do not forget to surprise each other with pleasant surprises and give gifts. After all, it is much more pleasant to see a loved one in a good mood and a smile on his face than to receive reproaches and arrange a showdown for each other.
Remember that monotony and gray life can ruin any relationship, no matter how exciting they were during your romantic acquaintance. Imagine more, experiment and add variety to your life. Remember that you are a man and a woman, not just a mom and dad, or a husband and wife.