A boring day in the reading room did not promise anything good, but suddenly you saw her - the girl of your dreams. We urgently need to get to know her, but acquaintance in the library has its own characteristics.

Why the library?
It may seem that the library is one of the most inappropriate places to meet, but this is not at all the case. Firstly, in the library you have much more time and opportunities to properly examine the girl you are interested in and, most importantly, develop a dating strategy. Also, if you visit the library yourself and meet a beautiful girl there, you already have at least one common interest. It would be a sin not to take advantage of such a wonderful opportunity!
Love note
The main difficulty of meeting and communicating in the reading room of the library is that you cannot make noise there and, therefore, talk a lot. But don't despair! A disadvantage can be turned into a virtue. Write a note to the girl and, passing by, put it on a table or in a book. Kill two birds with one stone at the same time: you can overcome embarrassment and indecision and amaze the lady with an elegant and romantic gesture.
Just do not make a common mistake and do not make a difficult love confession out of your note. Remember that the girl is not yet familiar to you and so that your first conversation does not become the last, write your message as simply and accurately as possible. "You have very beautiful eyes, let's get acquainted!" albeit unpretentious, but much better than the overly pretentious and old-fashioned "Your eyes struck me like Cupid's fiery arrow."
An important detail: if you want to put a note in a book and do it unnoticed, write a few words so that your chosen one would guess that the message is meant for her. For example, "for a stranger in a brown dress by the window." Remember, a lot of people go to the library every day, the girl may simply decide that someone else's love note remains in the book.
May I meet you?
If you don't find the idea of writing love letters appealing to you, take the initiative. Unlike dating at a bus stop or in a dark nightclub, in the library you can get a good look at your girlfriend and figure out how to start a conversation with her. In addition, in the reading room you always have the opportunity to sit next to a girl or ask to watch your books while you go about your business for a while. Once the conversation has started, it will be much easier to continue the acquaintance.
Remember that although conversations in libraries are not welcome, no one will forbid you to exchange a couple of phrases in a romantic half-whisper. And further acquaintance can already be continued after.