There is a generally accepted opinion that a guy must necessarily be taller than a girl. However, love is evil, and it may happen that a man becomes an order of magnitude shorter.

Small but smart
If you are lucky enough to meet a short guy on your life path, you do not need to immediately reject his courtship, because his complexion carries a lot of advantages over tall men.
First, a short young man will need much less food to satisfy his hunger, unlike a basketball guy. You don't have to spend a lot of time at the stove creating large-scale culinary masterpieces.
In addition, you yourself will begin to eat less, which will have a beneficial effect on your figure - after all, a fragile girl cannot eat more than her boyfriend.
Secondly, there are also no problems in choosing a wardrobe for a short man. Guys with a height below the average are rarely met, so the range of clothes is many times wider. It is much easier to find shoes in size 39 or 40 than size 47 or 52, which will have to be sewn to order, which will also cost a pretty penny. It can be concluded that compact men are more economical than large ones.
Thirdly, small men are more ambitious: complex because of growth, they strive to achieve success in their careers, personal life, in order to somehow disguise their lack. If you feel uncomfortable next to him, then it is completely in vain: perhaps you are dating a future millionaire - do not miss your chance.
This medal has a downside. Napoleon Syndrome can turn your cute teddy bear into a cold-blooded, soulless, unprincipled tyrant who walks over the head.
Do centimeters decide everything?
There is no need to live in accordance with the prevailing stereotypes. If your chosen one suits you in everything, then does it matter how tall he will be? This is tantamount to the fact that a girl is waiting for a prince on a white horse, and instead of a horse, he comes to her on a camel.
The main thing is his attitude towards you, how much he appreciates you, what he can give you, what qualities he possesses. If he is a wonderful person, does it matter that he is above or below the standards set by society?
After all, if you are worried about the difference in height, eliminate heels from your life, avoid vertical stripes in your outfits.
Choose bright clothes, shiny fabrics - they visually make a person shorter.
If you are constantly criticized and ridiculed by friends, and your loved one is a reliable support and protection, isn't it better to objectively look at your comrades and think about whether they wish you well.