In conversation with men, women sometimes use phrases that seem completely harmless to them. But sometimes words are very hurtful and inappropriate, offensive remarks can lead to discord in a relationship.

Many women throw phrases that do not strike them as offensive or offensive. They are sincerely surprised why the beloved again took the remarks with hostility. Psychotherapists have identified several phrases that greatly annoy and offend men. If there is a desire to preserve the relationship, it is better to refuse such words.
Okay, I'll do it myself
Men greatly value respect and recognition of their merits. "Okay, I will do everything myself" from the lips of a loved one sounds as if a woman doubts that he is able to bring the matter to the end, to achieve the desired result. You don't need to say these words to a man. Better to give him the opportunity to do something on his own, and then praise. This will flatter his pride, make him proud of himself and the one who is nearby.
If the matter is very important, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with the chosen one and come up with some kind of excuse so that he would not be offended. For example, you can say that he already has a lot of work, and a woman will be pleased to help him in something and be useful.
I could have guessed myself …
"I could have guessed myself …" - a phrase that can make a man get confused. It sounds like a reproach, but at the same time the chosen one is lost, cannot understand what they want from him. Men do not read well between the lines and do not make assumptions, so it is better for him to speak directly about all wishes.
It would be better if I just gave flowers or a postcard
A very unpleasant situation for any man is the situation when he gives his beloved a gift, but hears in response: "It would be better to just give flowers or a postcard." Never and under no circumstances should you scold your chosen one for his choice. You must definitely thank, even if you didn't like the thing. Otherwise, after a while he will stop making surprises altogether.
My ex would never do that
Comparisons with former lovers should not be allowed in a relationship. This can make a man feel complex, jealous. If a woman does not want to be left alone, she should not say that the ex was better in something and would not have made the mistakes, oversights that often happen with the current lover.

Be a man
Representatives of the stronger sex are very annoyed if they are told: "Be a man!". In this phrase, one can clearly trace the reproach of "not entirely masculine behavior." A woman should avoid this kind of address to her loved one if she wants to keep the peace in the relationship.
Clean up after you, I'm not your mommy
If a woman doesn’t like that her beloved throws her things away, there is no need to tell him: “Take it away after you, I’m not your mommy.” Better to find a more subtle way to get him interested in putting things back in place or putting dishes in the sink, washing dishes. Saying that he still needs his mother, one can unconsciously remind him how good he was with her.
What is your tummy
Men are very sensitive to changes in appearance. An overgrown tummy, overweight, and so deliver discomfort, but even more unpleasant if your girlfriend talks about it. It is better to avoid such phrases, even if they are joking.
Are you going to your friends again?
Men really do not like it when they try to limit their freedom. They are greatly annoyed if their beloved says: "Are you going to your friends again?" This phrase clearly shows the reproach and desire to control everything that happens in the life of a loved one. Meeting with friends is an outlet that allows you to communicate as equals, exchange opinions. Do not take them with hostility. If you are not satisfied that your beloved pays a lot of attention to friends, you can say this very softly, without reproach.

We need to talk seriously
"We need to talk seriously" - the woman tells the chosen one, if she wants to sort out a situation, solve a problem. Many men are intimidated by this message. They pre-set themselves on the fact that the conversation will not be easy, they will have to make excuses, defend themselves. You don't need to say such words to a man. It is better to tune it in the right way, saying something like the following: "Do you have a free minute? Maybe we can talk?"
You never succeed
Men are very sensitive to reproaches for their failure. They are especially annoyed and hurt when a woman declares that he "never succeeds", "as always, everything is done badly." This can kill the initiative, make a person feel complex. Such phrases destroy relationships and often cause discord in a couple. If a man respects himself, he will not tolerate constant reproaches.