How To Become A Bride

How To Become A Bride
How To Become A Bride

Table of contents:


All women want to love and be loved. Most of the fair sex dreams of becoming brides. But how to achieve this if a man is in no hurry to propose, preferring not to formalize the relationship as long as possible. And although you cannot force a man to do something against his will, without using force, there is always a way to gently and charmingly nudge a man to take such an important step as a marriage proposal.



Step 1

Visit your married friends more often. True, only for those who are happy and do not complain about family life. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect, giving another reason for the man to make sure that he is right, remaining unmarried. Someone else's example always has a strong impact on those who doubt.

Step 2

Demonstrate to the man all the positive aspects of family life. Of course, if you already live together, it will be more difficult to do this, but you can always emphasize that you still need confirmation of the seriousness of his intentions. And even more so if you dream of having children. For a huge number of things, it is necessary that your relationship be officially registered, including for registration of rights to real estate acquired together. In the event of a divorce, all jointly acquired property will be divided equally.

Step 3

Meet his parents and enlist the support of your mother-in-law. Whatever relationship they have, the opinion of their parents will play an important role in understanding that a woman like you should not be missed. Be patient, sometimes it is not easy to find a common language with the mother of the chosen one. And if it doesn't work out, don't waste your health on it.

Step 4

If you have been together for a very long time, talk to the chosen one, explaining to him that a sense of security is very important to you. And that, despite the changes that have taken place in society, for you a wedding is a real testimony of love and loyalty to each other, a willingness to take responsibility not only for yourself, but also for future children.

Step 5

Do not procrastinate with such a conversation, if on his part there was not even an attempt to talk about the future. Many men, living in a "civil" marriage, consider themselves free. Therefore, do not waste time on someone who is very comfortable to be surrounded by female attention and care, but who is not going to take responsibility for you in the face of society and the state. Put him in front of a choice.
