How To Avoid Conflict With A Guy

How To Avoid Conflict With A Guy
How To Avoid Conflict With A Guy

Table of contents:


Quarrels and scandals are a “by-product” of relationships between people, but to a greater extent conflict situations are aimed at developing and strengthening relationships through understanding each other's aspirations and desires. However, under the influence of emotions, some people find it difficult at the time of a quarrel to control their words and actions, therefore it is better not to succumb to provocations that lead to abuse.

How to avoid conflict with a guy
How to avoid conflict with a guy


Step 1

Do you want to marry him? Then study his habits, interests, "sore spots", learn about desires, etc. To "read" a guy like a book, ask his opinion on any questions, learn about his character inadvertently from friends, ask your relatives and friends for an impression of him. It is better to find out in advance the opinion of your boyfriend on topics that are important to you, so as not to provoke scandals in the future.

Step 2

In moments of tension and misunderstanding, step back from emotional outbursts and start counting everything around, like in a cartoon: a cow is one, a bull is two … It is enough to count 10 items to calm irritation and regain self-control.

Step 3

It happens that the growing conflict causes confusion, a slight shock and does not allow collecting thoughts. Then just in a calm tone tell your young man that you will return to this issue, but after 3 days. But you have the opportunity to find arguments in your favor, understand your boyfriend's point of view, find possible mutually beneficial ways for both and avoid insults and accusations.

Step 4

To avoid conflict, you need to understand the opinion and motive of your loved one. Perhaps, by proving something, prohibiting and demanding, he simply protects you and wishes you well. Then you just need to open up a little in front of your soul mate and talk about your aspirations. Letters will help you understand each other's point of view. Just in moments of quarrels, sit down and write about your feelings, resentment, reasons for misunderstanding and conflict. Then remove the letters, and only after a week discuss their content.

Step 5

Pay more attention to your spiritual development: read fiction, expand your range of interests. Replenishing your life "baggage", you can look at many things in an adult way, and therefore not react to many provocations of the conflicting side.
