Quarrels and scandals have many reasons and reasons, but, as a rule, in addition to a spoiled mood, mutual insults and grievances, as well as unnecessary reckless words, they do not lead to anything good, and their consequences can become completely destructive. Therefore, the most reasonable thing to do if you witness or, unfortunately, a participant in a quarrel is to prevent it.

Step 1
First of all, your principle in life should be to refrain from quarreling as a method of solving problems. If you understand that in quarrels you will never prove anything to anyone, then you are already subconsciously preventing the conflict.
Step 2
If you don't quite like what your partner is saying, take your time to respond. Think about the reasons for such actions, put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and try to understand. Do not start criticizing him, expressing your dissatisfaction, so that this does not become a reason for a quarrel.
Step 3
If you fell silent, and the interlocutor perceived this as your surrender in an argument, you should not dissuade him from this until he cools down and takes your words calmly.
Step 4
It is possible that on reflection, you will discover that you are wrong in some situation. In this case, calmly admit it and you will nip the conflict in the bud.
Step 5
When the other person says something in an irritated tone, try not to interrupt him. Listen calmly. Thus, an incipient quarrel can turn into a more constructive channel.
Step 6
In the event that you understand that your partner is grumbling and just “running into” a scandal, “turn off” your ears. Not finding fertile ground for stirring up a quarrel, he may calm down or find some other thing for himself.
Step 7
Do not "run up" yourself into a quarrel with some remarks if you see that the person is "not in himself", is upset or annoyed with something.
Step 8
If you feel that the verbal skirmish may get out of hand, change the topic of the conversation. Try to speak calmly and in a balanced manner, without shouting or raised tones.
Step 9
Agree with all the arguments of the irritated person, do not argue. The best way out in this situation is your smile (only without sarcasm!) And benevolent intonation. If the person is angry and is not going to stop the quarrel, calmly leave the room, but try not to slam the door and not say anything extra "under the curtain."
Step 10
Get out into the fresh air or visit someone. A change of scenery will work well for you, unless, of course, you continue to replay an unpleasant situation in your mind, and even more so, tell someone else about it.
Step 11
In family conflicts, it is very common for a quarrel to be prevented by good sex. If this is your situation, take action! And don't quarrel.