Beliefs can support themselves. Once a person creates a mental rationale for his ideas, he is unlikely to part with them. Beliefs are extremely difficult to change, but still possible. Try this by following simple guidelines.

Step 1
Decide on the character of the interlocutor. The point is that different people behave differently in an argument. Some listen very carefully to the interlocutor, while others do not pay any attention to the spoken words. For the former, the ideal model is the presentation of verbal arguments, for the latter, visual images.
Step 2
Use Homer's Rule. According to him, in order to change the beliefs of another person, it is necessary to use a certain order of argumentation. Use the strongest arguments first, then the middle ones, and finally hit the strongest ones. Typically, this model works flawlessly.
Step 3
Apply Socrates' method. If you need the interlocutor to agree with your belief, first ask him two questions, to which he must answer "yes". Then express your belief in an accessible way. In most cases, the other person will agree with your point of view.
Step 4
Speak emotionally, focusing on the needs and interests of your interlocutor. It is best to start an argument with what can bring you closer together. Then the person will begin to listen to you much more attentively. Be sure to indicate that you have experience in this area and constantly refer to your authority.