So that the first days at school do not seem like hell for the child, he must be thoroughly prepared. Parents should have conversations in advance in which they will talk about the school, about the buildings, about the teachers.

The main thing is to interest the child so that he has a desire to go to this educational institution. Also, such training will reduce the chance of developing overwork.
The first thing a child can get upset about is early awakening. Almost no one likes to get up early, many like to sleep very much. But when there is a need for an early rise, you have to overcome yourself. So the child needs help in such a difficult matter. To make the morning start more interesting, you can offer the student to buy a new children's alarm clock. Then the morning will start more positively.
A personal alarm clock develops discipline, responsibility in the student and helps the student to tune in to the working day. At first, parents need to control the awakening process, but over time, the child will get used to getting up and planning his actions.
Everyone needs breakfast, including children. The food a child gets for breakfast should be light and nutritious. For example, you can cook porridge for a student or give natural yogurt with fresh fruits and berries.
Lunch is the most important of the eating rituals. It should include a lot of calories and nutrients. This will help the child develop the strength to play and do homework. The menu should contain protein, in sufficient quantity. It is found in meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. In addition, these foods are packed with vitamins, fiber and minerals. For dinner, on the contrary, you should not give heavy food. And you need to take it a couple of hours before bedtime.
Gymnastics for the eyes
At the beginning of school days, there is an incredible strain on the eyes. Therefore, it will be better if the parents monitor the condition of the eyes and in which case they will show the student to the ophthalmologist. It is also better to protect your child from a large number of TVs and other gadgets.
In order for the vision to remain normal, it is necessary to perform gymnastics for the eyes, it must be done every ten minutes. Let the child roll his eyes, blink, look out the window. Through these movements, the muscles of the eyes will relax and rest. It will also be great if your baby walks a lot outside and regularly takes vitamin A.
Change of body position
At school, children spend a lot of time in a stationary position, sitting at a desk. This can be detrimental to the spine and muscles. As they relax and stop performing their main functions. In addition, this uniformity of body position can negatively affect the student's mood. After all, quite recently he jumped, ran and had fun, and now he is forced to sit at a boring desk for a long time.
If a child has a desire for sports, then it would be better to send him to some sports section. There he will be able not only to strengthen his muscles, but also to throw out excess energy. If a child is indifferent to sports, then there are physical education lessons, which will also have a positive effect on the physical health of the student. And some teachers do physical education - minutes so that the children can stretch their muscles.
It would be great if the whole family went rollerblading, hiking or walking on weekends.
Many parents expect a student to be an excellent student, but this rarely happens. More often than not, the child does not live up to expectations, and the parents begin to blame him for all the failures. This position is not correct, because in case of failure, the child expects that close people will support him.
Parents of a student should understand that all children are different and there is no need to compare their child with others. Let the kid fail to be an excellent student, but perhaps he will succeed in something else. The child should not be scolded for failures, but support him, make it clear that he will succeed, offer his help. Then the student will be more open to parents and, perhaps, it is the desire to please mom and dad that will motivate them to study well.
The mood and nervousness of the parents is transmitted to the child. Therefore, it is necessary to think over everything, carefully prepare and calm down. Then this period will pass painlessly and calmly.