Many small children, waking up at night, resort to their parents in bed. If your toddler does this too, try to figure out the reasons for this behavior. There may be several of them. For example, the child did not sleep well during the day, and in the evening he began to be capricious, his mother forgot to put her favorite toy next to him, or she did not tell a story at night.

A child can fall asleep, and after two hours wake up, frightened of what he dreamed. The children's imagination is rich, and now an old familiar wardrobe turns into a monster, and terrible animals are hiding under the bed. He may not speak about his fears right away, but instead begins to come up with various excuses that he has a headache, arms, legs, tummy. Calm down the baby, turn on the light in the room, look under the bed together to make sure that there is no one there. Sit next to him until he falls asleep.
If he had a bad dream, ask in detail what he was dreaming about. Explain that he probably dreamed of a fairy tale, and in fairy tales good heroes always defeat evil ones, which means that he will definitely come out the winner. Ask him to lie down, close his eyes and together compose a dream that he will dream about. Such a technique can not only calm the child, but also teach him how to manage his dreams and in the future not be afraid of nightmares.
Sometimes the mother herself takes the child with her to bed, more often when he is sick, or the woman is left at home alone, or some kind of conflict has arisen in the family. Holding her baby to her, she calms down herself and calms the child. This is justified during illness. Listening to the mother's breathing, her heartbeat, the baby relaxes and falls asleep.
However, if the child sleeps with his mother in the same bed all the time, there is a risk that he may grow up infantile, unable to make independent decisions, dependent on the mother's opinion. And if the baby almost every night runs to the parent's bed, try to understand and solve his problems, and then put him to sleep in his crib.