Convulsions In Children: How To Help?

Convulsions In Children: How To Help?
Convulsions In Children: How To Help?

An involuntary, intermittent muscle contraction is called a seizure. They come in different intensities and durations. They occur in both adults and children due to various diseases.

Seizures reduce the flow of oxygen to the brain
Seizures reduce the flow of oxygen to the brain

What causes seizures

The work of the body is controlled by the brain, including monitoring the contraction and relaxation of muscles. It is to him that commands are received to activate the work of the musculoskeletal system. The human body also has a place for an inhibitory process that sorts out all the signals that go to the brain. The inflammation or injury sends a command to the brain, and the inhibitory process does not work. Because of this, convulsions occur. They are a frequent occurrence in children, since brain cells are well and quickly excited, and the process of inhibition is still poorly developed. However, seizures can occur not because of a malfunctioning brain, but because of muscle problems.

Epilepsy, inflammation of the brain, infection, tumors, trauma, poor heredity, malfunctioning of the parathyroid gland, lack of magnesium and glucose in the blood - these are all causes of seizures. They are dangerous because during a seizure the brain lacks oxygen, all processes in the body are inhibited. Frequent seizures can lead to a delay in physical and mental development, changes in the character, behavior of the child.

Identify the cause of the disease

Electroencephalography can help determine the cause of the seizures. They may be due to a tumor in the brain or epilepsy. A biochemical blood test will reveal violations in metabolic processes, a lack of necessary trace elements in the blood. Treatment will depend on the cause of the seizure. A neuropathologist specializes in disorders in the nervous system, but an endocrinologist treats metabolic dysfunction.

How to behave during an attack

The attack can last from a few seconds to several minutes. You need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, you can provide first aid. It is necessary to take off the embarrassing clothes from the child, turn him over on his side, since during seizures, foam from the mouth can go out, the person will choke. To prevent tongue biting, a clean handkerchief should be placed between us and our teeth. It is necessary to provide an influx of fresh air, open the window. If convulsions have arisen against the background of an increase in temperature, then the child should be given an antipyretic agent, apply ice to the carotid artery, and start fanning. Due to severe crying and tantrums, intermittent muscle contractions can begin. In this case, you need to try to restore breathing, pour cold water on the child, give a sniff of ammonia and give a sedative.

Parents need to monitor the frequency of seizures, their duration, and what may have contributed to them. It is important to remember what the child ate, what he was sick the day before, whether there was a fever. This information will be useful to the attending physician for making a diagnosis.
