The nutrition of a 5-year-old child already differs from the menu of an early age and is as close as possible to the nutrition of an adult. However, for the normal development of their baby, parents should know the age-related needs of his body.

Expert opinion
The diet of a 5-year-old child is characterized by a decrease in calorie content and animal proteins. And, accordingly, an increase in plant proteins in food. Nutritionists have calculated the required number of calories for a five-year-old baby - 1970 kcal. And the ratio of the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be as follows: 1: 1: 4.
In addition, from the age of 5, the number of meals is reduced to 4 times instead of 5. It is advisable to adhere to these recommendations so that the child is full and at the same time his digestive system is not overloaded. It is never necessary to feed children under duress, only when you feel hungry. With the organization of timely nutrition, problems should not arise if the preschooler eats strictly according to the regimen, at a certain time of the day. In this case, gastric juice begins to be secreted on time, which contributes to good digestion.
Composition of the menu for a child 5 years old
The menu for a child 5 years old can already be diversified with dishes for adults. It is advisable that every day the baby gets acquainted with different tastes. You can eat salted, smoked, canned food, sausages. Only spicy and too fatty foods should be avoided. Fried foods should also not be overused, so as not to overload the child's digestive system. Better to give preference to steamed and oven dishes. Too much sweets are fraught with allergies.
It is also important that the diet is balanced. Now, instead of liquid cereals, it is worth eating friable cereals. Pickles, pearl barley and corn grits, aspic are also allowed. Eggs and dishes from them are recommended to be served at the children's table no more than 2 times a week. In addition to compote, jelly and drinking juices, the baby can be given tea, cocoa and decaffeinated coffee drink.
Parents should ensure that their child's diet contains enough vegetables and fruits, especially raw. This is necessary for the body to obtain the necessary phytoncides, plant proteins, enzymes, essential oils and pectins, which prevent the formation of putrefactive bacteria and fungi in the intestines. Various greens should be actively used in salads: celery, parsley, lettuce, dill, etc. Very useful in nutrition are butter and vegetable oils, dairy products, fish and meat.
Children attending preschool educational institutions receive three balanced meals a day. Parents only need to carefully study the menu in order to provide the baby with a dinner that would fully complement his daily diet. These include stews, stuffed vegetables, pancakes, casseroles, puddings, beef stroganoff, cabbage rolls, stews, and fish.