Very often there are situations when a mother and a nursing baby are forced to be separated for some time for one reason or another. During the time of separation, the baby gets used to artificial feeding, and the mother stops producing milk. But after reuniting with the child, the mother again wants to transfer the baby to breastfeeding. In such cases, it is required to restore normal lactation.

Step 1
If the mother is determined to restore lactation, she will have to stock up on patience, time and some adaptations: a breast pump, a soft spoon so that you can feed the baby and a sling.
Step 2
First you need to restore warm contact with your baby. To do this, you need to organize the carrying of the child in your arms and sleep together. Even if the child previously slept in a separate bed, to restore lactation, it is necessary to put him to sleep next to his mother. In order to make it easier to carry the baby in your arms, such a convenient device as a sling will come to the rescue. Tactile stimulation is very useful, which is achieved by touching the baby's skin to the mother's skin.
Step 3
In order for the baby to get used to his mother and to fully feel the contact with her, it is necessary that only his mother takes care of the child while lactation is being restored.
Step 4
As soon as the baby gets used to his mother, and will calmly be in her arms for so many times. As much as necessary, you can move on. Now it is necessary to change the way of receiving food that has become habitual for the child. You need to remove the bottle and feed the baby from a soft spoon.
Step 5
During feeding, the baby must be in a calm state for the spoon feeding process to be successful. Motion sickness, the noise of a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner also has a calming effect on the child. You may need to be patient, because the baby's usual way of life is crumbling - the bottle was taken from him and forced to eat from a spoon. And this is real stress for the child.
Step 6
Now you can start offering the baby a breast. To help your baby, you can spread formula on the nipple. For starters, let your baby just grab the nipple with his lips and make a few sucking movements. You can try to put the breast in your baby's mouth while sleeping at night. For starters, let him just get used to the feeling of the chest in his mouth. Thus, the mother will help awaken the baby's natural desire to suckle the breast.
Step 7
At the same time, it is necessary to stimulate milk production. To do this, you need to express your breasts every three hours. For convenience, it is best to use an electric breast pump. In addition to expressing, you need to take drugs that increase lactation. For example, you can use anise infusion, cream with caraway seeds, or nut milk.
Step 8
Before feeding the baby with formula, you must offer him the breast. Thus, it is possible to return the baby to breastfeeding painlessly.