Autumn is the time for the pool and / or water park. And where, if not in the pool, can you teach a child such a necessary, fun and useful activity as swimming? Prepare, so to speak, for a summer vacation at sea.
The advantages of swimming, I think, do not need to be listed. Let's go over the main advantage: swimming is a sport, and, accordingly, the physical development of your child. The muscles of the back, abdomen, neck, arms and legs are strengthened. Therefore, your child will grow up to be a healthy hero!
We will consider a unique technique from FREDS SWIM ACADEMY: learning to swim with the SWIMTAINER classic circle.

The first step is the first step of the above mentioned technique. For him we need an inflatable ring SWIMTRAINER color: red. Let's skip the following points: how to inflate and how to put on this invention, tk. detailed instructions are in a special booklet enclosed in a box with a circle. Also in the booklet there is detailed information / instructions on how to teach the baby these or those movements. In short, the first stage is used for the baby to get used to the water and learn how to move the legs correctly, while the hands are busy splashing in the water and playing with toys.
For the second stage, you need an orange circle (you can find a link to all circles at the end of this article). This step is already necessary for a full-fledged training. The cameras of the circle are smaller than those of the red one, thus the child is already training his hands, working out their movements. The second stage, like the circle itself, is suitable for children from 2 to 6 years old, depending on their physical development.
Third, final stage. Here we need a yellow circle. The cameras in this circle are the smallest, which gives your child complete freedom. The third stage is practiced so that the child moves on to independent swimming. It is designed for children from 4 to 8 years old.
Well, I will warn you: do not leave your child unattended. In no case are you at a shallow depth, it is not necessary for the child to reach the bottom with his legs, otherwise he can easily turn over.
We used all the circles, in order. Recently we flew to the sea. The joy of the child was higher, as they say, the roof:)