Day Regimen In The Kindergarten And At Home

Day Regimen In The Kindergarten And At Home
Day Regimen In The Kindergarten And At Home

A child's going to kindergarten brings many innovations to his life. All this is important for him and sometimes difficult. In addition to a new awareness of oneself, new responsibilities, new friends, games and activities, the kindergarten brings a new daily routine to the child's life. Often it is he who becomes a stumbling block on the way to complete mutual understanding between the educator and the child.

Day regimen in the kindergarten and at home
Day regimen in the kindergarten and at home

First, it is an early rise. For some children, it is, in principle, not a problem. But some children are used to getting up late. A sharp change in the time of the morning rise is difficult and not only will not bring pleasure, but can also entail problems in behavior and even affect health.

Therefore, the parents of such children should begin to accustom the child to a certain routine in advance. Of course, you shouldn't just raise your child three hours earlier than usual one "fine" day. The rise time should be shifted gradually, every day by 10 minutes. And after a while the child will wake up at the right time.

But waking up is not the most important thing. It is necessary for the awakened child to do something. It's not just that his parents raise him so early. Each ascent should be conscious and bring something new and interesting with it. Then the child will be happy to get up. And it will not be a heavy unnecessary duty.

The second important change in the daily routine is the afternoon nap in kindergarten. Here, too, one should begin to accustom to this time in advance. Parents need to find out the kindergarten schedule and gradually adjust the child's daily routine to the kindergarten regime. Then the transition to all the same familiar rituals, but in a new place, will be less problematic for both the child and the parents with educators.

You can do the same with meal times. Then the child will already feel hungry by the appointed time. There will be much less problems for educators with such a child at breakfast or lunch. It is even better if, in addition to this, the child will be accustomed to eat a variety of foods. Indeed, in kindergarten, the child will have to eat soups and cereals, regardless of his personal preferences and habits.

But even when the child is already attending kindergarten, you should not forget about the daily routine. Even on weekends, you need to at least roughly adhere to it. Otherwise, the child's body will experience new stress after every weekend, associated with the next change in the regime.
