Teaching a child to fall asleep alone in their own bed is not an easy task. Moreover, the approach must be competent and serious. Your child needs to get used to falling asleep in their own bed. In addition, the procedure should take root in his mind as a pleasant and unchanging process.

Baby cot, soft toy
Step 1
Remember that for a child, any change in the usual state of affairs is stressful. Therefore, think over the whole plan of action in advance. Try to make the process of getting your child to sleep alone, take the form of a game or a fun adventure. Then everything will be painless and your son or daughter can easily survive the changes.
Step 2
Tune in to the fact that you will have to listen to the child's tantrums and wipe away his burning tears. Small children are stubborn and do not want to give up their positions without a fight. Therefore, do not give up and do not give in to children's whims.
Step 3
Teach your child to fall asleep at the same time. Before going to bed, sing to the baby his favorite song from the cartoon, tell a fairy tale, and have a massage. You can put a stuffed animal in his bed.
Step 4
If the baby refuses to sleep on his own and resorts to you from the nursery, then put his bed next to yours. Remove all obstacles between your bed and his bed. Remove one wall from the crib first. The child should get the impression that he continues to sleep with you, although he will sleep on his own bed. Sleep like this for a month, but if you feel that the baby is not yet used, extend this period.
Step 5
The child should get used to the bed, mattress, pillow and blanket. It must take root in his mind that this is his bed. Love your sleeping place, or at least they are not afraid of it. Put the child in his bed, you yourself lie down next to him - on your own. Pretend you fell asleep. Over time, the baby will begin to calm down, believe that the mother will not go anywhere and will calmly fall asleep.
Step 6
Replace the wall of the bed later. Do not move the bed itself anywhere. Now there will be a barrier between the mother and the baby - the wall of the bed. Sleep like this for two weeks.
Step 7
After this time, start moving the baby cot. At first, the distance between your and his berth should not be great. So that, if necessary, you can easily reach your angel with your hand. At this stage, your child will get used to sleeping on his own, but he will still have a desire to see his mother next to him.
Step 8
Gradually move the baby's sleeping bed one meter away from your bed. Soon it will be possible to put the baby's bed in the nursery.