How To Introduce A Child To Professions

How To Introduce A Child To Professions
How To Introduce A Child To Professions

Table of contents:


The child receives ideas about the professions, their diversity, the necessity and usefulness of each of them, first of all, in the family. You can find a lot of various opportunities for such an acquaintance, you just need to remember to pay the baby's attention to what the people around him are doing.

How to introduce a child to professions
How to introduce a child to professions


Step 1

Acquaintance with professions should begin with the most visual activities. It is difficult, for example, to explain to a younger preschooler what an insurance agent or a bank employee does. But the professions associated with the direct production of various material values are perceived by the baby quite easily.

Step 2

You can start acquaintance with professions even at the pre-speech stage of a child's development. When looking at pictures in a book or specially made cards together with your baby, you should accompany them with simple short comments: “This is a cook. He's making dinner. So the child will remember the words denoting the names of the professions, and also learn to recognize their representatives by their appearance: the doctor wears a white coat, and the worker - overalls and a helmet, etc.

Step 3

During walks, trips, shopping and visiting various institutions, the child's attention should be paid to representatives of various professions that are found in everyday life. This is a shop assistant, a bus driver, and a doctor at the clinic, to which he came to see, and builders who are erecting a building on the next street. Tell your child what exactly the professional representative you meet is doing at the moment, guess what he will do next.

Step 4

The experience gained during observations can and should be applied in games. Together with the kid, play "to the store", "to the hospital", let him be a cook, a builder, a driver. First, offer the kid ready-made game situations, suggest what actions need to be performed, fulfilling the role of a representative of a particular profession. So, the doctor measures the temperature and pressure, gives injections, checks the condition of the patient's lungs. It will be nice if parents purchase special sets for such games for their child (a suitcase with medical supplies, baby dishes, sets of toy products, etc.).

Step 5

As a rule, the child quickly memorizes the names of the professions he encounters every day. But it is not always possible to explain who mom or dad works, especially if the professional activities of the parents are beyond the scope of his experience. Arrange an excursion for your child to your workplace, if possible. Of course, it makes sense to do this when the child has reached senior preschool age. Show what you do during your work, tell us why your activity is necessary and useful - let your son or daughter be proud of you!

Step 6

If possible, ask other relatives or good friends to arrange an excursion for the baby. Of course, a visit to the office is unlikely to inspire a little person, but a visit to a real industrial enterprise, printing house, bakery, etc. will surely impress.
