It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a TV and a computer. But, along with the undeniable benefits, this technique can be harmful, especially for young children.

Why the flow of information can harm a child
Many TV channels and websites contain a wide variety of information, often intended only for an adult audience. In addition, if a child spends too much time in front of the TV or computer, this can damage not only his vision, but also the psyche, which is subjected to a real information "attack".
Some parents are only happy if their baby sits in front of the TV screen for a long time. Firstly, then he does not need to pay attention and you can do chores around the house, and secondly, they believe that watching programs is beneficial to the child, contributes to his development. But this is a serious misconception! After all, a significant amount of news, including negative content (reports of accidents, natural disasters, armed conflicts, terrorist attacks), moreover, often interspersed with very annoying advertisements of various products or services, has a serious impact even on the psyche of an adult. What can we say about a small child, whose psyche is still weak, unstable! As a result, the baby may simply get scared. In the most severe cases, if the child watches TV very often, he may develop a persistent neurosis.
Even if a child watches only children's entertainment programs on TV or a computer, the benefits of them are very dubious, and the harm can be serious. After all, the most important thing for a baby is live communication with parents, grandfathers, grandmothers and other relatives. It is this kind of communication that primarily contributes to the mental development of the baby. No transmissions can replace him.
Finally, for normal development, children simply need to move, play with their peers, breathe fresh air. If they instead sit in front of the screen, receiving a lot of unnecessary information that is not appropriate for their age, it is unlikely to be beneficial to their health.
How to protect a child from the flow of unnecessary information
Of course, it is hardly possible (and even reasonable) at present to completely abandon the TV and computer. But parents need to control and know what programs their child is watching and how long they are. Programs should be appropriate for the child's age, level of development, ability to understand them. For young children, cartoons are best. At the same time, doctors advise limiting the viewing time of programs to 15-20 minutes a day for children under 6 years of age, and 30-60 minutes for children under the age of 14.