The main goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop the correct movements and positions of the articulatory organs, which are responsible for the correct pronunciation of sounds. The success of the business largely depends on the systematic nature of the classes, which must be carried out daily. It will be most effective to train 3-4 times a day, 2-3 exercises.

- - mirror;
- - chair.
Step 1
Before moving on to choosing exercises and performing them, understand the basic guidelines. Each task you choose should be repeated by the child at least 5-7 times. If the complex belongs to the static type, it is performed for 10-15 seconds.
Step 2
Build a chain of exercises from simple to complex, organizing the exercise in a playful way. Out of 2-3 tasks, only one can be unfamiliar.
Step 3
The work is carried out while sitting, this position allows you to keep your back straight and relax your body. A child must definitely see the articulation of an adult, it is better if he can observe his own reflection in the mirror.
Step 4
Start the complex with lip exercises:
- keep your lips in a smile so that your teeth are not visible;
- stretch your lips with a tube;
- close your teeth, round your lips and pull them slightly forward so that the lower and upper incisors are visible;
- close the teeth, lift the upper lip and expose the upper incisors.
Step 5
Development of lip mobility:
- Pull your lips forward with a tube, then stretch them in a smile;
- lips stretched out with a tube, move left and right and rotate in a circle;
- Pull your cheeks inward, open your mouth sharply. It is important that a "kiss" sound is emitted when performed;
- send the air exhaled by the mouth to the lips with such force that the lips begin to vibrate. The result should be a sound similar to the snort of a horse;
- inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks alternately.
Step 6
A set of static exercises for the tongue:
1. Open your mouth wide, put your tongue calmly in the mouth.
2. Open the mouth wide, lift the lateral and front edge of the tongue so that it does not touch the teeth
3. Open your mouth, rest the tip of your tongue on the lower incisors, lift the back of your tongue up.
4. Open your mouth, fold the lateral edges of the tongue up.
Step 7
Dynamic articulation complex for the tongue:
1. Open your mouth, stretch your lips in a smile, with the tip of your narrow tongue, alternately stretch to the corners of your mouth.
2. Open your mouth, stretch your tongue to the chin and nose, or to the lower and upper incisors.
3. Close your mouth, with a tense tongue, rest alternately on one and the other cheeks.
4. Close your mouth, circle your tongue between your teeth and lips.
Step 8
Work on the mobility of the lower jaw:
- open and close your mouth wide so that the corners of your lips stretch. Lower the jaw to a distance of 2 fingers wide, do not protrude your tongue;
- lower the jaw for "one", move the jaw to the right by "three" - lower the jaw to its original position, by "four" - move to the left, by "five" - lower the jaw, by "six" - extend forward, to "seven" - take a comfortable position. Do the exercise slowly, avoid sudden movements.