There are no ideal children, as well as ideal parents. All adults make mistakes when raising their children. It is important to learn to reevaluate and analyze the situation, to correct it in time, since childhood grievances remain in the child's memory for life.

Step 1
Hiding important information related to the child's past life or family can be very harmful. Subsequently, this will cause the development of distrust of parents, the emergence of inferiority complexes. Anyone has the right to know the truth. Parents can only find the right time and the right words.
Step 2
Hyper-care. Many parents try to protect their child from everything in the world, but it is worth remembering that the baby will grow up and he will have to take care of himself. It is necessary to foster independence in a child from an early age.
Step 3
Excessive requirements. If the child has not met the expectations of the parents, in any situation, it is wrong to reproach and punish him. The main thing is to encourage the child to do everything in his power and praise for perseverance and hard work, even if the end result is not perfect, next time it will be better.
Step 4
Inconsistency of actions. In families where both parents are actively involved in raising a child, there are times when opinions differ. One parent insists on punishment, the second does not see the need for this, a quarrel ensues. To prevent the child from becoming a victim of the conflict, parents must privately discuss the situation, make a common decision, and only then will they explain with the child. The actions of the parents must be coordinated, otherwise the child will be confused between two fires.
Step 5
Undeserved accusations. Under the pressure of stress, fatigue, perhaps even unwillingly, the father or mother can accuse the child of minor offenses, or actions that he did not commit at all. Having poured out a portion of negativity, the parent feels relief, not thinking about the harm that has been done to the child. Children's grievances do not go away so easily, in the future this can cause tensions in the family. If, in a fit of anger, it was not possible to restrain emotions, it is necessary to explain to the child that it is not his fault and ask for forgiveness.