The most common problem in a family is a naughty child. It would seem that the parents are doing everything right, bringing up, dressing, feeding, buying toys, but whatever they do, the child does not obey.

There are a lot of reasons for his disobedience, but which one should be dealt with individually with each family. Often naughty children are found in single-parent families, where, as a rule, the child always stays with his mother. Because of their overprotection, mothers often miss the moment when the child's behavior gets out of control.
In families where the father takes part in the upbringing, this problem is much less common. As a rule, the father is always strict and fair with the child and can even punish, which is why children in complete families are more educated. Most often, parents are either scolded or punished for disobedience. This is the wrong approach. Whatever the child may be, he is capricious for a reason. A very subtle approach is needed here; perhaps, it is necessary to carry out a whole psychological work with the parents. You need to try to at least try to listen to your child, find out what worries him, what he is dissatisfied with.
Often, naughty children are so uncontrollable due to lack of parental attention and love. They hooligan, shout, act up, in order to attract attention to themselves, and they do this not on purpose, but subconsciously. This is not about buying toys, beautiful clothes, new tablets and phones, but about the attention of parents.
It is necessary to talk with your children, play joint games, make friends, give parental love and affection, spend time together before going to bed, read a book, kiss. Love, care, protection, tenderness and affection - this is what children often lack, but they do not know how to tell their parents about it, and they are looking for other methods to attract attention to themselves.
A common problem when a child refuses to eat or is naughty at the table. You do not need to raise your voice, and even more so you cannot force. Doesn't want to eat? Okay, let him leave the table. It will leave one, two, three times … Do not worry, you will get hungry - he will come up and ask you to feed him. But then such tantrums at the table, as a rule, are not observed.