Self-awareness can be regarded as a person's ideas about himself and an assessment of his own personality. This phenomenon includes several components: self-image, self-esteem and behavioral aspect.

The structure of self-awareness: self-image and self-esteem
There are several views on the nature of self-awareness, so definitions may vary. In general terms, self-awareness is a complex structure of the psyche. It allows a person to be aware and evaluate their actions, thoughts, feelings, ideals, motives. Thanks to it, a person feels like a separate reality, which can be cognized like the outside world. The formation of self-awareness actively proceeds in adolescence.
The components of self-awareness are variable; they can be adjusted throughout life. Self-awareness consists of ideas about oneself, emotional assessment of these ideas and behavioral reactions. The behavior is called by the first two components.
The idea of oneself seems to be true to a person, regardless of the availability of objective evidence. To describe themselves, people usually use a number of adjectives, it is through this method that you can learn about the self-perception of a particular person. This list contains different characteristics at different periods of life. The question of the truth of such data about oneself remains open. Some ideas were formed by a person independently, others were influenced by the comments and assessments of others.
The emotional component of self-awareness is represented by self-esteem. In simple words, this is an attitude towards oneself. It is also a judgment of self-worth. Self-esteem shows the degree of self-esteem and positive attitude towards oneself. Self-esteem is created with the participation of extraneous assessments, after comparing oneself with others, comparing one's ideal with reality and analyzing the results of one's actions. Inadequate self-esteem interferes with self-knowledge and affects behavior.
The behavioral aspect and what influences it
The behavioral component is caused by the previous two. They consist of powerfully rooted self-directed attitudes. There are several types of such installations. The real I is the perception of oneself at the present time. Mirror I - this is how, according to a person, he looks from the side. It's like a kind of feedback, a response to a person in the outside world. The existence of the mirror self allows you to make corrections to the real.
Ideal I - what a person would like to be. These can be qualities or roles. The greater the discrepancy between the real and the ideal self, the stronger the inner conflict. I in the future is a model of I, which is created by a person as a forecast for himself. The future I includes those components that are regarded as really achievable.