During pregnancy, the expectant mother especially needs support and care. The same is required by her rapidly growing tummy, which is more and more difficult to carry with her every day. If your doctor recommends wearing a prenatal brace, it is important to wear it correctly to make your life easier and not harm your baby.

Step 1
The prenatal band is usually recommended to be worn from the beginning of active abdominal growth. This occurs at about 16-20 weeks of gestation. You can wear a bandage until the moment of childbirth, provided that it is correctly selected, correctly worn and does not interfere with you.
Step 2
The size of the bandage can be calculated in a simple way: take your pre-pregnancy lingerie size and add another one. In special cases, when mom is gaining weight quickly, it is better to try on a bandage in the store and choose the most suitable size. A properly fitted bandage should not put pressure on the abdomen and cause discomfort.
Step 3
It is very important to wear the bandage correctly. To do this, take a horizontal position, and, lifting the pelvis, carefully put on the bandage, fixing the stomach in a calm state. If the uterus is in good shape, wait until it relaxes and put on a bandage after that.
Step 4
If you have chosen a panty model of a bandage, please note that after using the toilet, you need to return to a horizontal position in order to put on the bandage correctly. Therefore, for pregnant women who go to work and lead their usual way of life, a model in the form of a belt is more suitable, which remains in the correct position while visiting the toilet and does not require unbuttoning.
Step 5
The most correct position of the uterus is after sleep. Try to keep the bandage close to your bed and put it on as soon as you wake up. But sleeping in a bandage is not recommended even during the day - it can squeeze important blood vessels and disrupt the baby's blood supply. It is also convenient to remove the bandage in a horizontal position.
Step 6
A correctly worn and sized bandage supports the back and the lumbosacral region, reduces the load on the spine, which is especially important for back pain. In re-pregnant mothers, the brace fights excessive stretching of the abdominal wall and reduces the risk of stretch marks. With weak abdominal muscles, the bandage acts as a kind of corset and protects the baby. The bandage supports the abdomen during long walks, sports for pregnant women.
Step 7
Exceptions are women who are not advised to wear a bandage due to the wrong position of the fetus. In this case, doctors wait until the unborn child turns head down, and only then fix the correct position with a bandage.