It can be difficult to calm a raging child. Screams, quarrels, scandals in public places … It is difficult to find a parent who would never have faced this. The "count to three" method can help in such a situation.

Step 1
First of all, you need to calm down. Throw away unnecessary emotions, do not succumb to the provocations of the child, radiate confidence and calmness. Self-control will help you find peace of mind.
Step 2
Take your child's hand. Say clearly and distinctly, “I’m counting to three. Once . Please note that there should be no notes of excitement or irritation in your voice. Only calmness and reasonable educational rigor.
Step 3
Wait a few seconds, watching the child's reaction.
Step 4
If it didn't work right away, say “Two” in the same calm and confident tone.
Step 5
Wait a few more seconds.
Step 6
If the expected changes in the child's behavior have not come, it is time to say "Three" and move on to negative reinforcement. Simply put, the child must be punished.
Step 7
As a punishment, you can isolate the child from the surrounding society (put him in a corner, take him to a separate room). There may be books, a bed, but there should be no telephone or electronic means. Thus, you show your baby that by behaving badly, he risks being left without communication with you.
Step 8
If the child's misbehavior persists, use this pattern again. As soon as the child starts to misbehave, say: “I count to three. Once . Over time, he will learn that this phrase, if not corrected in time, will be punished. Subsequently, perhaps this phrase alone will be enough for the child to calm down.
Step 9
It should be noted that the upbringing of a child should not be based solely on the principles of "training". Mutual understanding between the child and the parent is very important. Often, the difficult character of a child is due to a dysfunctional atmosphere in the family. Make contact with your child, talk to him, trust him - the child will appreciate your trust and will certainly try to repay you in kind.