Always busy parents, constant gadget games, lack of opportunity (and often unwillingness) to go in for sports lead to the development of hypodynamia in the child. In addition, children in such cases are deprived of tactile communication, they are not sociable, withdrawn and poorly adapt in society afterwards. How can these negative consequences be avoided?

The lack of movement is the scourge of modern society. A person simply no longer needs to move - shopping on the Internet, entertainment in consoles, working online. We unwittingly infect "immobility" and our children! In addition, physical inactivity in a child can be caused by trauma, heredity, oxygen deprivation during pregnancy. In any case, the parents are guilty. Why? Because they often put their own interests ahead of the interests of the baby:
• I have no time to go for a walk, play the console, • I'm busy at work, watch cartoons in the evening or read, • I'm tired and don't want to go to the park on the weekend.
Mothers do not have time for anything and "walk" the baby under 5 years old in a stroller, on the way to the store. And if they go out for a walk, they constantly push the child down: do not wash your feet, do not climb into the mud, do not run, do not climb, etc., etc. We take children to kindergarten and school by car, we prefer the elevator to the stairs … A very sad picture, right? Let's change. Let's develop our children and develop ourselves!
So what is not allowed? It is forbidden:
• to calm down an active child where it is possible to play noisy and active games - on the playground, in an amusement park, in a public garden, • feed the hyperactive baby with sedatives constantly, trying to calm his violent temper - he is what he is, • forcefully overfeed children, allow them to eat sweets and flour in unlimited quantities, • allow you to sit at a computer or with a gadget for a long time.
It is imperative to understand that physical inactivity can lead to serious illness at an early age. Lack of movement provokes the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system in a child, the respiratory system does not develop properly, immunity decreases, mental development slows down, obesity of internal organs may begin, and without the appearance of external signs of this serious health problem.
What to do? It's that simple! Be active yourself and serve as an example for your children. What could be better than a family game of football, volleyball or hockey, visiting an ice rink or skiing ?! Even catching butterflies with a butterfly net is an adventure, a child's development. Relax, fall into childhood for at least an hour and a half a day. The health and development of your child depends on you!
No time? Choose a section or circle for your child with an active pastime - wrestling, swimming. Dancing. If the kid is too withdrawn and shy, then ask the trainer to conduct several individual lessons with your child before he enters the main group.
Just walk - on the way to school, to kindergarten, shop, to visit. Leave the car in the garage, let it rest, while you and your child walk, chat, breathe fresh air.