Conception of a child is a miracle that happens in a woman's body. And it is interesting for pregnant women to remember the school course in biology, how exactly this happens.

When the egg and sperm merge, an egg is formed - a zygote, the cells divide, the egg grows, moves into the uterine cavity. It attaches to the uterus and begins to release hormones that stop the menstrual cycle. The attached egg is already an embryo. The embryo is formed in the second week - 200 cells, small dot. By the end of the second month, the embryo is formed so that human signs can be recognized.

From the third month of life, the already well-attached fetus begins to be active, its height is 7.5 cm, it already begins to move, but is too small to feel it. In the fourth month, he is already 20-25 cm, the skeleton begins to harden, the cartilage turns into bones. In the fifth month, the fetus begins to hear, you can begin to communicate with him. At 6 months, height 35 cm, weight 1.5 kg. At the 7th month, the fetus already weighs 2 kg, and the growth is almost 40 cm. At the 8th month, 2, 5 kg, 45 cm. At the 9th month, he grows so much that he is already cramped, labor begins.
It has been proven that the emotional state of the mother strongly affects the development and well-being of the fetus. In the early stages of stress, you can lose a child, and in the long term, stress negatively affects the health of the fetus. When a pregnant woman is nervous, this is transmitted to the baby, he begins to move restlessly and even postpartum problems with the intestines are possible. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid stress, think only about the good. The expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her health, she needs to eat right, get enough rest and give up bad habits. Mothers should not be afraid to gain too much weight: they need to eat more often, a lot of vegetables and fruits. To avoid edema, drink light diuretic herbs and plenty of water.

This is how great happiness grows from a small point, the meaning of life for moms and dads. It should be remembered that intrauterine development is already life, on which the child's health depends very much. A healthy calm mother is a healthy calm baby.