How To Hide A Secret From Everyone

How To Hide A Secret From Everyone
How To Hide A Secret From Everyone

Keeping secrets is not as easy as it seems. Very often people accidentally share other people's secrets, because sometimes it is simply impossible to refrain from gossip about mutual acquaintances. In order not to betray other people's secrets, you need to have great willpower.

How to keep other people's secrets

If you do not find this quality in yourself, but at the same time keep someone else's secret, which you really want to share at least with close friends, first think about why you were asked to keep this or that information from everyone else. Perhaps this secret can embarrass someone or offend. As soon as you feel the urge to share the information you have with someone, imagine the possible negative consequences. Always remember that the person who entrusted his secret relied on you, which means that revealing his secret will make you a traitor. And even if he never finds out that you have revealed the secret, think about how you will feel in this case.

It is very important to understand whether the secret you are keeping has a "statute of limitations". It is best to clarify this at a time when valuable information is entrusted to you. In some cases, the secret should remain so only up to a certain period. Usually, such secrets are even more difficult to keep than those that have no time limit.

Many people betray other people's secrets, using the words "Just don't tell anyone …", however, it is important to understand that nothing can be told only by the person who knows nothing at all. The person to whom you tell secret information, anticipating it with a similar construction, does not hesitate to convey the secret further, using it. Especially if the person whose secret you told him is not a close friend to him.

Control yourself and the situation

Never hint to anyone that you know a secret. Avoid any provocative statements. If someone is interested in the information you have, then that person will make every effort to get it out of you. Human curiosity knows no barriers.

If someone begins to discuss things in front of you that are indirectly related to a secret known to you, try to direct the conversation in a different direction. You should not do this too deliberately or explicitly, as this behavior always looks suspicious.

In order not to reveal an important secret, sometimes you have to lie. Outright lies should be resorted to as a last resort, because they often complicate the situation and lead to serious problems. Keep in mind that it is better to lie than to remain silent, but it is better to laugh it off than to lie.

If you can't cope with the urge to reveal a secret you know to anyone, share it with your pet. It will not tell anyone anything (unless, of course, this is an extremely intelligent parrot), it will make you much easier.
