When A Fetus Has A Soul

When A Fetus Has A Soul
When A Fetus Has A Soul

If parents ask such questions, then they believe in the existence of the soul and its Creator. It is in the religious treatises called the Holy Scriptures that the answer to this question can be found.

Baby shower
Baby shower

The timing of the entry of the soul into the body of a child in various religious traditions

Each religious trend adheres to its own opinion about the age at which a human child acquires a soul. All religions that exist on Earth are unanimous in one - this happens before the birth of a child in the womb.

In Orthodox Christianity, as in the ancient oriental religious treatises - the Vedas, it is believed that the soul enters the fetus at the moment of conception of a child and the fusion of the female and male reproductive cells of his parents. Muslims are of the opinion that the soul merges with a tiny physical body on the 120th day after conception. The Qur'an says that at first the human body in the mother's womb stays in the form of a seed for 40 days, another 40 days in the form of a blood clot and another 40 days as a piece of flesh. Then “an angel appears who breathes life into the body of the future person. At the same time, it is determined whether a person will be happy or unhappy, the duration of his life, actions and the amount of means for existence.

The adherents of Judaism are sure that the soul takes root in the fetus on the 40th day of its life. However, in the same religious tradition there is a second opinion - the soul comes at the moment of conception.

Modern research on this issue

Nowadays, there are serious scientists interested in researching the issues of the incorporation of the soul into the body, reincarnation, etc. The most striking example of such activity was the American Ph. D., hypnotherapist Michael Newton. This specialist received all the information for analysis from his numerous patients who, in a state of hypnosis, talked about their lives after death, life in different bodies, and recalled their previous incarnations.

In his book Travels of the Soul, Newton says that life in the womb of a mother is given to a person for additional adaptation of the soul to a new body. The scientist also believes that there is no clearly defined time for the merging of the eternal soul with a specific body - this can happen both at the moment of conception and in the very last moments before childbirth. However, such a "lag" is extremely rare. Often, the doctor's patients talked about the wandering of their souls around their mother after the connection with the material body had occurred. From his many years of research, the American concluded that the child's body itself has no choice regarding the acceptance or rejection of the soul that has entered it.
