A marriage of convenience is one of the most durable if the calculation is correct. Marrying a successful man and being happy in marriage is the ultimate dream of any woman, but successful men do not roll on the road and simply don’t come into their hands.

Step 1
There is nothing shameful and contrary to morality in the fact that a woman is looking for support in a man for herself and for future children. Therefore, society is sympathetic to the desire of a woman to find a successful accomplished life partner. However, a woman who dreams of getting married should be aware that she wants to marry a man, and not for his success. Therefore, the key word in this phrase is "man", and the dependent is "successful." What can be understood by the word "successful"? First of all, it is necessary to draw the line between success and material condition. Material fortune can be synonymous with success if it is earned by one's own efforts. Inheritance, parental capital and other unearned income just speak of the young man's insolvency, unless, of course, he multiplied them on his own. Getting married does not mean marrying yourself. Different technologies are needed here, but the result will be appropriate.
Step 2
To be of interest to a successful society, a woman needs to be successful herself. There are, however, textbook variants when Cinderella deceived herself into high society and found happiness in the form of a prince in love. A somewhat different way of meeting a successful man was demonstrated by the film "Pretty Woman" - the heroine of Julia Roberts, a representative of not the most prestigious profession, was able to captivate a successful businessman with her charm. A girl with no upbringing or education at all can be of professional interest - this is how Eliza Dolittle charmed the professor of phonetics, a world-famous star Henry Higgins to such an extent that he offered her a hand and a heart.
Step 3
But most likely, these are exceptions to the rule, and modern Cinderella women need to look for other ways to interest a successful man. You should not rely on a model appearance, as a rule, successful men do not experience a deficit in communicating with beautiful girls. Although you cannot neglect beauty salons and gyms. And in general, in any hunt, you cannot focus exclusively on prey, you need to improve on hunting skills.
Step 4
If a future contender for the hand and heart is found, it is necessary to study his habits and weaknesses. For this, it is not necessary, and even undesirable, to immediately enter into direct contact. But getting into his company is welcome. You may have to become a football fan, a frequenter of libraries, a theater goer. It is more difficult if the chosen one is a member of some closed club - then you will have to make an effort to get there too. You should not immediately get acquainted with the object, first you need to win over its surroundings. If we turn to the above examples, we can trace a pattern - all the "Cinderella" to begin with, charmed the friends and family of the "prince". And only then, acquaintances stimulated the “prince's” interest in “Cinderella” and motivated him to take specific actions - some by persuasion, some, causing outright jealousy.
Step 5
You should not clearly demonstrate a clear interest in the object, nor should you act as its guardian angel. The man will get used to the constant presence, and will begin to take the care of the woman for granted. There is no need to strain a person with your constant presence, but the ability to be at the right time in the right place will not be superfluous. If, after direct communication with a successful man, points of contact emerged, if you managed to interest him, and if he really needs a life partner, then you can take the initiative herself and offer yourself as a companion.