Dragunsky, "Deniskin's Stories": A Summary

Dragunsky, "Deniskin's Stories": A Summary
Dragunsky, "Deniskin's Stories": A Summary

It is 105 years since the birth of the popular Soviet writer Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky. He is the author of stories and poetry collections. But, probably, the most beloved work of several generations remains a collection called "Deniskin's Stories". The book was first published in 1959 and after that it was reprinted dozens of times. She became a classic of Soviet literature and took a place in the list of "100 books for schoolchildren" compiled by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


about the author

Victor Dragunsky was born in 1913 in America. His parents, emigrants from Belarusian Gomel, had Jewish roots. The family soon returned to their homeland. After the death of her father, her mother married a second time to an actor of the Jewish theater, with whose troupe they toured the country. Victor's career began early, but he always found time to devote to self-expression: he attended theater workshops and made his debut as an actor. But he was really captured by literary activity. He composed scenes, feuilletons, came up with monologues and sideshows for the circus and stage. The talented young man has acted in films several times. During the war years, the writer was in the militia, in peacetime he continued to engage in creativity. The literary bibliography contains 10 books, many of them have been embodied on the screen.


Dragunsky's stories

"Deniskin's stories" brought real popularity to Viktor Dragunsky. The book immediately fell in love with young readers and their parents. Small stories describe the events taking place in the capital in the middle of the last century. The main character is Denis Korablev, he lives with his mom and dad in the center of Moscow. Stories about the adventures of a restless boy begin when he was 5 years old. In Dragunsky's stories, he grew up, went to school, became an Octobrist, and then a pioneer. Curious cases and funny stories happen to the boy every now and then. But the most important thing that the book teaches is kindness, honesty and mutual assistance. The name of Denis's best friend is Misha Slonov, he is his classmate and adventure mate. Among other characters in the stories, I would like to mention Alenka - the girl ringleader, although she is younger than the main characters. Among the adult characters, Denis's parents, the pioneer leader Lucy, the teacher Raisa Ivanovna, and Boris Sergeevich, the music teacher, stand out.

The collection "Deniskin's Stories" includes about seven dozen separate stories. The number of works in each edition varied at the discretion of the editorial board. Some of the stories were included in the elementary school curriculum. This collection contains a summary of individual program pieces for their analysis by primary school students. It will be interesting for young readers not only to get acquainted with the content of the book, but also to think about the main thing, to recognize the works of themselves and their friends in the heroes. A reader's diary will certainly help the guys in this, where they can share their reviews about the book, reflect on the characters of its heroes and do a short retelling.


"He is alive and glows"

In the story "He is alive and shines" the following story takes place. Due to the fact that Deniska does not have the keys to the apartment, he has to wait for his mother on the street. For some reason she was late at work or in the store. It is already evening, the boy is tired, cold and hungry, but he does not leave his place. A friend, Misha Slonov, comes up to his friend and brightens up his loneliness for a short time. Mishka really liked the dump truck - a toy that Denis received as a gift from his father. As a final argument, he offers a friend an exchange and takes out a box with a living firefly: "It is alive and glows." Enjoying the glow that comes from the box, Denis agrees to exchange the dump truck without regret. The mother who arrived in time was at a loss how a son could give an expensive toy in exchange for a small living creature. She did not realize that it was not so sad and lonely to give to her son with a firefly.


"The secret becomes clear"

This situation happened to Denis early Sunday morning. For breakfast, my mother made semolina porridge, which he hated. But my mother was adamant: "If you eat porridge, let's go to the Kremlin." To make the dish tastier, the boy salted and pepper it, but this made the porridge completely inedible. Without thinking twice, the resourceful boy poured the porridge out the window and set an empty plate in front of him. Imagine my mother's surprise when a few minutes later the doorbell rang and a citizen entered the apartment in clothes spoiled by porridge. It turns out that he went to the photographer and put on his best suit. Denis realized that his secret had been solved, and the excursion was canceled. The story is extremely instructive for children, because its main idea is that it is better to always tell the truth, even if it is not very pleasant.

Green leopards

The content of the story tells how Denis, Mishka and Alenka were going to launch a rocket and for this they began to prepare a place in the sandbox. While they were digging a side exit, their friend Kostya appeared in the yard. The boy had just had measles and looked weak. The guys began to discuss various diseases, all their disadvantages and advantages. Parents regret the sick child, buy toys, pamper him with tasty things. But the heroes of the story called chickenpox the most fun disease, because you can make a real motley leopard out of yourself with the help of brilliant green. Having had a lot of fun, the guys, together with Kostya, continued to prepare the rocket for launch.


"Top - Down - Oblique"

The heroes of Dragunsky's story once went out for a walk. It was summer and builders were doing repairs in the yard. Friends sometimes helped them and regretted that the work was nearing completion. On this day, the girls, painters, worked with paint, their names were Sanka, Nelly and Raechka. When the builders left for lunch, the guys wondered how the paint hose works. First, they dyed Alenka from head to toe, then got to a random passer-by in white clothes. After that, the guys were punished, Denis got the most. Painter Sanka, when she saw him, joked, they say, when he grows up, they can work in the same team.

Fire in the wing or feat in the ice

Once Misha and Denis were late for school for a lesson. To justify themselves, they made up different stories. They wanted to lie that they visited the dentist, or rescued a child who fell under the ice. The boys were very afraid of the teacher, so everyone tried to invent a story more like the truth. While they were arguing along the way, they did not come to a consensus, and when they were in the classroom, each told his own story. The teacher listened to both versions, laughed together with other children at the cunning of friends and gave them bad marks. The main point of the story: you always need to tell the truth and be honest. Even the most cunning lie will cease to be a secret and will definitely be revealed.


"A tricky way"

In the center of this story are the family affairs of the Korablevs. Mom was on vacation and lamented that during her vacation she had to do household chores. She advised her husband and son to find a way to rid her of this. Denis thought for a long time about inventing a special device: to wash and wipe the dishes at the same time, but nothing came of it. After his mother refused to serve dinner, the boy came up with a clever way - to eat from one plate in turn, but his parents replied that this was outside the rules of hygiene. The situation was resolved by dad, who rolled up his sleeves and called his son. With the help of a simple method, the two of them quickly coped with the dishes.

Main rivers

The story takes place when Denis is already in school. He had been fiddling with a kite in the yard the night before and had not done his homework. One deuce flaunted in the diary for the fact that he did not learn Nekrasov's poem "A Little Man with a Marigold." But in geography class, the teacher suggested that he improve. It was necessary to name the main rivers of America. Friends tried very hard to help Denis, but he confused the name of Mississippi and pronounced "misi-pisi". The whole class and the teacher rolled with laughter. After that, the boy firmly decided the main thing that he would always do his homework on time.

There are many more interesting stories about Denis Korablev and Misha Slonov. A funny situation occurred in the story "The Enchanted Letter". When the Christmas tree was brought before the New Year, the children noticed cones on it. Five-year-old Alenka called them "investigations", Mishka said that it was necessary to say "hykhki", and Denis noticed that there was nothing complicated in the word "fyfki". They laughed at each other because the letter "W" was enchanted for each of them.

In the story "Exactly 25 Kilos" the main characters have shown resourcefulness. To get a subscription to his favorite magazine "Murzilka", Denis needed half a kilo. Had to drink a whole bottle of Citro. When his weight reached the required figure, the main prize was in his hands. Once again, the guys showed their ingenuity in the story of "Puss in Boots" and shared the award in the carnival costume competition. The work "Knights" describes a case when Denis decided to behave like a noble and generous helper. All day he tried to be a knight and informed everyone about it. History teaches you to be attentive to your loved ones.

Many more adventures happen with the children at school, at home, in the yard, in the circus. It is noteworthy that the prototypes of the main characters are real children. The author wrote to Denisk Korableva from his own child - the son of Denis. His bosom friend Mishka Elephants also existed in real life, like the girl Alenka, who is surprisingly similar to the Dragoon's daughter Xenia. This is probably why the heroes of Denis's Tales are ordinary boys and girls who are close and understandable to children, they recognize themselves in them.
