Almost all expectant mothers are concerned about the safety of playing sports during the period of bearing a child. The answer in this case seems obvious, since moderate activity during pregnancy only has a positive effect on intrauterine development.

Each exercise on the ball should be agreed with the supervising obstetrician-gynecologist who is aware of the medical history and all analyzes of each individual patient.
Undoubtedly, it is desirable that sports activities take place not only during pregnancy, as they allow you to avoid stretch marks, relax muscles and keep the whole body in good shape. Classes with a fitball (a special fitness ball) can be transferred from fitness rooms to home conditions by purchasing this useful ball in any specialized stores. For a pregnant woman, as has long been proven, certain sets of exercises are simply salvation.
Obviously, the last three months of carrying a baby are not easy for every woman, due to weight gain, a large abdomen, stress on the spine and swelling of the arms and legs. In such a situation, a gymnastic ball is a comfortable and convenient way out of the situation.
There are a number of basic exercises with such a special device, which prepare for childbirth and recover from it. Exercises to support your back, in which you need to gently push off the wall, lie on the ball with your back and put your hands behind your head, are best performed in the presence of someone, since they are quite difficult.
In order to avoid swelling, it is recommended to lie down on the floor, hands on the sides, place your feet on the ball and roll it without taking your head and hands off. Strengthening the pelvic floor is facilitated by an exercise in which the pregnant woman sits on the ball, spreads her legs wide enough, puts her hands on her knees and bends forward, straightening herself while inhaling. To prevent breaks, the load will help, in which, sitting on the fitball, the knees are spread, the body does not sway much, and then you need to try to push the ball down not abruptly, after a short break you need to squeeze it with your feet. Loads of this kind contribute to an excellent workout of the hips and groin muscles.
Many modern expectant mothers are busy working remotely on a computer at home and sitting on a flat surface of a chair is sometimes very difficult, but this wonderful ball will help here, greatly facilitating the process of work.
By relaxing a group of muscles, pain in the back and elbows disappears due to good blood circulation, in addition, it is possible to combine this with watching your favorite movies. The main reward for all the efforts made is a good mood, well, a fit figure.