How To Conduct Fairy Tale Therapy

How To Conduct Fairy Tale Therapy
How To Conduct Fairy Tale Therapy

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Modern children have a whole arsenal of toys and educational activities at their disposal. At their service and reading from the cradle, and early mathematics, and much more. However, fairy tale therapy is considered one of the most interesting and popular methods. It is good both as a developmental activity and as a mild remedy for correcting a child's neurological and psychological problems.

How to conduct fairy tale therapy
How to conduct fairy tale therapy


Step 1

A fairy tale helps a child to get acquainted with the experience of previous and adult generations. After all, it is in fairy tales that all worldly wisdom and advice on the correct behavior in a given situation are laid. The fairy tale helps the kid to analyze the situation and learn to act. He always has a chance to put himself in the place of the protagonist and think over how he himself would act in a given situation.

Step 2

If you are going to conduct fairy tale therapy on your own, study all the information on such a procedure. So, for example, it will be useful to find out that fairy tale therapy is divided into 3 types: diagnosing, influencing, developing. Based on the name of the category, it is clear why which one is used. You can carry out the procedure on different fairy tales - from folk to modern ones. The fairy tales themselves can also be divided into groups: artistic, didactic, psychocorrectional, psychotherapeutic, meditative. Naturally, psychotherapy is more often used for treatment, and they are usually specially written by psychologists.

Step 3

Remember that in the process of working with a fairy tale, the child must identify himself with the main character, look at him, analyze his actions and mistakes. There is even an opinion that a favorite fairy tale influences the whole life of a person by programming it. For example, in adulthood, a person will copy the traits of the beloved fairytale hero.

Step 4

At the time of working with a fairy tale, be sure to pay attention to which hero the kid sympathizes with. If this is a negative character, it is worth asking about the reason for the choice. It is also worth helping the child find good traits in such a hero.

Step 5

Do not confuse fairy tale therapy with the usual reading of bedtime stories. When working with a baby, it is necessary to analyze the situations in which the heroes find themselves, to ask the child for advice, to be interested in his opinion and how he would get out of the current situation. You can even independently come up with a fairy tale for the child, which you will finish writing with him.

Step 6

In the process of therapy, it is necessary to give the child an explanation, help him with advice, and replay difficult situations. Naturally, most often the hero comes out the winner, but if suddenly it does not work out that way, you need to explain to the child that this happens in life.

Step 7

Fairytale therapy is often used to correct negative personality traits. For example, your child never obeys. It is enough to make out with him in detail the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", having said the danger of the situation in which the girl got into because of disobedience. Take time for all the collisions in this fairy tale in order to succeed. Later, it will be easier for the child to cope with the situation after he has played it in his imagination.

Step 8

Connect color therapy, game therapy or music therapy to fairy tale therapy. This will allow not only to train auditory memory, but also visual and tactile sensations. Reading a fairy tale can be accompanied by high-quality and good music. This will help the child to form his own taste, create a more integral view of the world and help him to better navigate in space, teaching volumetric thinking.
