What Is Fairy Tale Therapy

What Is Fairy Tale Therapy
What Is Fairy Tale Therapy

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Fairytale therapy is a direction in practical psychology that is effectively used to solve children's problems associated with self-awareness and fears. With its help, you can help build parent-child relationships more productively and channel the child's energy in the right direction.

What is fairy tale therapy
What is fairy tale therapy


Step 1

The tale has always served as a tool for the reader to meet with himself. This is due to the fact that the metaphorical images underlying it are not only a reflection of external reality, but also of their own conscious inner world. Fairytale therapy helps to develop a person's self-awareness. Moreover, since there are no moral teachings in the tale, recommendations aimed at assimilating values, new knowledge begins to be realized gradually and almost imperceptibly for the listener or reader. Therefore, psychologists speak of this psychological method as very mild, but at the same time capable of correcting different patterns of behavior.

Step 2

This method performs three main functions: diagnostic, corrective, and prognostic. In the first case, it helps to identify and understand those life scenarios that are already present in a person's life. To do this, you just need to ask to compose a fairy tale, and then, using special knowledge, to analyze the received story. The advantages of this method are that the child is not asked direct questions about his behavior, life attitudes. He talks about them through images that arise in consciousness.

Step 3

A therapeutic tale leads to positive changes in the child's condition. For these purposes, an author's or folk story is used. At the first stage, the required text is selected. After the child is familiar with it, several questions are posed, to which detailed answers should be received. The psychologist, together with the child, answers, directing the conversation in the right direction, including solving prognostic goals.

Step 4

It is necessary to tell those tales that will be understandable to the baby. Otherwise, there will be no effect and benefit from this technique. For example, at two years old, it should be used the simplest stories in which the characters are animals. It is excellent to use "Turnip" as the first tale. The technique of speech, according to which the story is built, is understandable and helps to quickly remember the plot.

Step 5

For older children, fairy tales are usually selected in which, in an open or veiled form, the problems that are present in a person's life are mentioned.
