A woman who is breastfeeding sooner or later begins to think about completing lactation. In one mother, lactation may end on its own, while another will need to suppress lactation in order to stop breastfeeding the baby. Sometimes it can be very difficult to do it.

Step 1
Tune in psychologically. If you have a lot of milk, then prepare yourself for pain and chest rock during the week. You don't need to feed your baby if the pain is unbearable. After feeding once, lactation will resume again, and you will need to start all over again. And it will not do the kid any good. Don't worry, treat it as inevitable and be optimistic. If you resist and do not want to wean the baby from breast, then the baby will feel it, and milk will be produced longer.
Step 2
Limit fluid intake during this period so that there is no constant flow of milk. If you drink a lot, your breasts will fill up and painful sensations will be unavoidable. Strain if your breasts are full. It is not necessary to suffer and endure, as the temperature may rise, moreover, “stones” may form. In this case, it will be much more difficult to suppress lactation. In addition, do not eat foods that you ate to keep your breasts full.
Step 3
Try pulling a scarf over your chest. In some cases, this helps, and the milk "burns out" faster. Walk like this all the time without removing your scarf, even at night. This method is suitable for those who are low on milk. For those with tight and full breasts, pulling over will cause immense pain and discomfort.
Step 4
Consider medications that help suppress lactation. Talk to women who have sought their help. In the pharmacy, carefully study the annotation. If you nevertheless decide to take them, then you should remember that this is already "chemistry", and you can suppress lactation on your own, without the use of medications.
Step 5
Don't worry or panic if lactation continues. Sooner or later, the body must understand that your baby no longer needs breast milk, and will stop producing it.