Pink lichen refers to skin diseases and is accompanied by the appearance of pink spots on the body. To prevent infection, it is enough to maintain high immunity. If signs appear, show your baby to a dermatologist immediately to start treatment.

Symptoms of pink lichen
The disease often occurs against the background of weakened immunity in the autumn-spring period, when the child is exposed to colds and allergic reactions. Infection occurs by contact, i.e. from a sick person through personal hygiene items, bed linen, towels, etc.
In order to recognize the infection in time, it is necessary to carefully examine the skin and monitor the baby's health. The first signs of the disease are:
- increased body temperature;
- headaches;
- redness of the throat;
- the appearance of flaky pink spots.
As a rule, single spots appear first, which later lead to profuse rashes. After 1-2 months, the rash stops flaking, forming a narrow border and temporary depigmentation of the skin. Contact with chemicals often produces unpleasant itching. In the chronic form of lichen pink, spots can have a fairly large diameter and a rich color.
Effective treatment for pink lichen
To establish an accurate diagnosis, an examination and consultation with a doctor in the field of dermatology will be required, since similar rashes are characteristic of various skin infections. With the correct implementation of all the instructions, the disease completely disappears in 1-2 months.
To relieve irritation, it is advisable to abandon the use of ordinary soap and washcloths, since the skin is subject to injury and further spread of infection. Better to rinse your baby in the shower, then let the skin breathe. Use cotton clothing during this period.
During the period of treatment, monitor the nutrition of the child. A prerequisite is the exclusion of allergenic food products from the diet: citrus crops, chocolate, eggs, nuts and others. In the presence of itching, the dermatologist prescribes antihistamines in a certain dosage, taking into account the age of the child and the severity of the disease. The most popular is the drug "Fenistil", which is prescribed by a doctor.
Good immunity is an important component of effective treatment, therefore it is necessary to walk more often with the child in the fresh air, regularly give the vitamin complex "Askorutin", immunomodulators, and teach children to hardening. At home, to strengthen the immune defense, prepare a decoction of rose hips: pour a small handful of fruits with boiling water and let it brew in a thermos overnight. Add a little sugar before drinking to enhance the taste of the drink.
The acute form of lichen pink involves the use of calcium preparations, salicylates, and in case of complications in the form of the formation of pustules, the use of antibiotics is required. At any stage, ultraviolet irradiation of the skin gives good results.