The corrective program is necessary in working with children who are lagging behind in one or more disciplines. It allows you to systematically fill the gaps in the child's knowledge, gradually bring him to an average or high level of development. To draw up a correction program, many factors must be taken into account.

Step 1
First of all, it is necessary to determine the initial level of development of the child. This will make it possible to make diagnostics carried out at the beginning or in the middle of the school year. If, according to the general indicator, the child has a low or medium level of development, then the teachers have the opportunity to tighten it up by carrying out correctional work. Usually the correction program is drawn up for two months.
Step 2
When drawing up a correctional program, it is necessary to take into account the time at which correctional classes will be held. It is necessary to distribute the main and remedial activities in such a way that the load on the child is optimal. It is unacceptable to conduct classes during the time allotted for the rest of the children. As an exception, you can repeat certain moments with your child in a playful way. For example, during an outdoor game, you can repeat ordinal numbers or practice long jumps from a place. You also need to take into account the age of the child and his individual characteristics.
Step 3
In the case when a child requires classes in several disciplines, several specialists are involved in the implementation of the correctional program. Difficulties may arise with drawing up a program, since it is necessary to take into account the working hours of each specialist teacher, as well as the child's day regimen. It is permissible to conduct classes both individually and in small subgroups (2-3 children).
Step 4
To draw up a correction program, special forms are being developed. The surname and name of the child, age, group, disciplines, time and place of the classes, the responsible teacher are entered in tables. It is desirable that most of the assignments carried out by teachers be on one topic. Then the knowledge will be assimilated by the child more systematically.
Step 5
In addition, work with parents is prescribed. The child's parents are active participants in the ongoing correction work.
Step 6
After the implementation of the correction program, it is necessary to conduct a repeated diagnostic section. Comparison of the results will show the dynamics in the development of the child, and it will also be possible to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the work done.