How To Be The Best At Sex

How To Be The Best At Sex
How To Be The Best At Sex

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For a long time, all the secrets and tricks of high-quality sex were a secret covered in darkness. There was little information, it was not accepted to talk about sex, and in the USSR it was not at all. With the partial abolition of censorship in this sensitive issue and the development of the Internet, a huge amount of information garbage poured in on the topic of sex. Quantity has supplanted quality, and figuring out how to be the best at sex has become even more difficult. Men got their ideas about ideal lovers from German porn films, girls from fiction novels. Because of this, most of the problems and errors arose for both the first and the second.

How to be the best at sex
How to be the best at sex


Step 1

Remember, there are no perfect mistresses or lovers. This is a utopia. But there are ideal lovers, that is, people whose views on sex and temperament coincide. The only exceptions are professionals for whom sex is a way to make money. But even among them there are not many experts, except when it comes to the technical performance and mastery of techniques.

Step 2

If you decide to excel in skill and become the best with your partner, you cannot do without regular, diverse practice. It's good if you have the theory and basic knowledge of anatomy, but in sex, as elsewhere, it's better to try once than hear a hundred times. It is a mistake to believe that promiscuous sex and a large number of sexual partners will teach you all the subtleties of good sex. Experts agree that you will get a lot more experience from several regular partners during a long-term relationship. In sex, trust and the ability to feel the chosen one without words is important. This takes time. So don't expect to gain experience while having sex in a nightclub toilet with someone you don't know.

Step 3

If, despite a lot of experience, you are not confident in yourself or want to learn all the intricacies of sex, try enrolling in a sexual mastery course. Take your coach seriously. If you are mentally uncomfortable with your coach, or if you doubt his qualifications, it is better to look for another. There will be no sense from such activities anyway. Read the reviews of people who have already been trained by him. Consider whether you are satisfied with their results. Watch videos and read articles by the author. A qualified specialist will definitely provide you with some materials for free. From them you can surely understand whether you are satisfied with the proposed material and the experience of this sex guru.

Step 4

Stop being in complexes and get rid of far-fetched prohibitions. In sex, absolutely everything is possible, the main thing is that both of them like it. Do not be afraid to talk about sex, ask your chosen one directly what he likes and what does not. Sex is a creative process, so you can offer your partner to play as a strict teacher and diligent student, or vice versa. This is guaranteed to give you the opportunity to learn more about his preferences and features.

Step 5

Learn advanced sex techniques and bring these skills to life. The opinions of people, what is most important in sex - the possession of techniques or emotional closeness and mutual attraction, usually differ. In any case, it is better to succeed in both. Your ability to have sex on a chandelier in the lotus position will not be appreciated by everyone, but hardly anyone will refuse to play competently on the "flute" or from erotic massage.

Step 6

Forget about "good" upbringing, in the bedroom, it is unlikely to be useful to you. As Madonna once said, “Is sex dirty? Unless if you don't wash yourself."
