Sexuality is attraction to the opposite sex. It depends not so much on the person's appearance as on the ability to present oneself in an intimate setting.

Step 1
Boost your self-esteem. It is she who is the cause of many complexes. The less confident you are, the less sexy you will feel. Therefore, you should not look for cons in yourself, try, on the contrary, to find something that sets you apart, that can turn you on. If you don't feel sexy yourself, you won't be successful.
Step 2
Go in for sports. To overcome a number of complexes, you should take care of your appearance. It plays a pretty big role, because Once undressed, you should be proud of your body and feel extremely confident. Women are more susceptible to negative attitudes towards their figure than men. Stop complaining about your excess weight and start getting rid of it.
Step 3
Strengthen your intimate muscles. This will allow you to control yourself during sex, and therefore, improve its quality. And the more pleasure you can give yourself and your partner, the more sexy you will feel.
Step 4
Try Kegel exercises. They are aimed at developing the skills of controlling the muscles of the pelvis and vagina. All Arnold Kegel exercises are based on alternating tension and contraction of intimate muscles. Spending 10-15 minutes a day with such activities, you will quickly learn to enjoy sex. There are also exercises for men that allow you to learn how to better manage their genitals.
Step 5
Get vaginal balls. It will also give you confidence and make you sexier. They are sold in almost all erotic boutiques. You can choose the size and material that suits you best. For a start, it is advisable to choose large and light balls, for example, rubber balls. Do not forget about hygiene: before and after each use, they must be washed in warm water using soap.